Chapter One

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Chapter One (UNEDITED)

-- You can put your playlist here--
    Video Games - Lana del rey
     Water under the bridge - Adele
     Heaven - Julia Michaels

Ashley's POV

"Ashley wake up or you'll be late for school" said my mother.

i picked up my phone from on my bedside table and checked the time."Mom why didn't you wake me earlier". I ran as fast as i could to the bathroom and took a quick shower.When i came out of the bathroom with my hair comb, my teeth brushed and a little makeup . All i had to do now was pick out my clothes, it is my senior year of high school in a new school .

My mom found a new job that has a really good income so we had to move. My dad left when i was only ten and my sister was only eight.

"I'm dressed" i said as i hurriedly run down the stairs into the kitchen.


"Have some breakfast honey before you leave" Said mom while putting some pancakes on a plate for me.

"I can't , im already late" I said before kissing my mom on her forehead and weaving my sister goodbye.

As i'm literally running on the pavement i wipe the sweat off my forehead and checked my phone oh no... then I started running again to the bus station.

I heard a car horned behind me. It was a guy who looked like he came out of a magazine.

I stopped walking when I saw him pull up in front of the street.

"Want a drop sweet stuff" He said with a cocky smile.

"No thanks " I said as I started walking off picking up my pace this time.

He drove off in a speed yelling b**ch through his car window.

I was just in time when the school bus arrived in the bus station. I was so relieved.

When I entered the bus I saw a girl with long black hair and with the most friendly smile ever. I sat beside her and put my maroon Jansport backpack in front of me.

"Hi I'm Emma" the girl said with a smile.

"Oh hi I'm Ashley" I said as I extended my hand towards Emma who gladly took it.

For the rest of the bus ride we talked about her and her family, my family ect.


My heart skipped a beat when I stepped out of the school bus. The amount of students that were already looking at me was very intimidating. I looked down at my foot as I walked through the doors of my new school for the year.

"Do you want me to show you around?" Emma asked as she stopped in front of me.

"No it's fine I'm sure you have to go meet your friends and stuff". I stated as we started walking again.

" Oh no you're right I have to go meet Alex!" She practically shouts before running down the hall way.

I have been lost for nearly thirty minutes. It's my fault that I'm having trouble navigating this maze known as Ridgewood High School.

I was given a map of course, but starting a new school in your last year is hard enough. I don't want to draw attention to myself by having my face planted in a map of the school.

The warning bell rings and the students start to scramble from their groups into their classrooms.

"Im so late" I tell myself in my head.

I wasn't really paying attention to where I was going , when I notice a group of boys talking enthusiastically amongst themselves, walking in my direction.

I moved aside but didn't slow down; I can't be late. I was going to take out the map when I collide with a solid brick wall, dropping my bag and falling on my butt.

When I looked up it wasn't a wall it was a boy with a leather jacket, blonde hair , and blue eyes watching down at me. He was breathtakingly gorgeous guy I have ever seen.

"Can't you see I was walking here?" He growls.

I really don't like his attitude; he was equally at fault inno, if not more.

"I'm sorry" I apologise to him as he picks up my bag and extends his hand for me to take.

" Watch where you're going next time , if you didn't notice there are other people in the hall too" He said as he looks down at me.

A small crowd was gathering around us. Wow this school sucks.

Who does he think he is I said sorry and he's speaking to me like if I'm dum.

"I'm new ok so give me a break it not like you're not at fault to anyways" I say back with the same amount of attitude.

"Don't use excuses to cover up your stupidity" He says just loud enough for people to laugh.

Im trying to contain my anger but he's pushing me.

I turn and started to walk away from the crowd and the jerk that caused it. But he kept mocking me while I was walking away. He sounds bored like if being a jerk is his talent.

I turned back around and walked straight up to his face.

"Do you want me to draw you a f**king map new girl?" He asked slowly, putting emphasis on the word "f**king".

"No but i can draw you a map, so you can go to hell". I said evenly and calmly.

The crowd took an audible inhale and stopped breathing. I was happy with what I said to that asshole so I turned on my heels and walked down the hall with a pleased look.

"So much for going unnoticed" my mind tells me. But I keep strutting down the hallway and turn a corner, I then realized that I still have no idea where I'm going.

Authors Note:
I hope you like the story so far, there's much more to come.

Vote and Comment please 😘
Lots of love❤❤🔐🔐

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