Seventy-one - I want to stay with you

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"What about this?" Emma picks up vegetables.

"Who is gonna eat that?" Alex cringes causing Emma and I to laugh.

"You need to eat healthy" Emma puts it in the cart anyway.

Emma, Alex and I are currently in the nearest grocery store. We needed some things for the house before we leave in two days.

"I need to pick up some tampons" I state looking for the lane.

"Me too, I think it's on the next lane" Alex says and we walk across to the next lane.

"Thank God my period has already came and gone" Emma smiles and I roll my eyes at her.

"I hate that it came already, I wanted more time with Zack" I wink and Emma fakes gag.

"Just be happy you're not pregnant" Alex tells me and I nod.

I pick up two packs and we finish our shopping.

We walk to the cashier when we're done.

"Is this all ladies" The boy asks as he smiles at Emma.

"That's all" She tells him.

When he cashes everything, We pay for our stuff.

"You have a nice day" He says, directly to Emma who politely thanks him.

We leave the store and Alex and I begin teasing her.

"He was so totally flirting with you" Alex says.

"Or as we say in Trinidad he was tracking yuh gurl" I say.

"Well I'm with Max" She smiles and we could see she is definitely happy.

We get in Max's car and Emma drives.

When we reach back home, the boys were nowhere to be found.

"Where the hell are they?" Alex asks as we put the grocery in the kitchen.

"Max did say they were gonna take care of some business" Emma says and I shrug.

We start making lunch and play loud music as we dance.

As we're just about done cooking we hear the front door open and the boys walk in.

"We came just in time" Cole exclaims as he sees us setting the table.

"You're just greedy" Alex tells him and he fakes hurt.

My eyes make contact with Zack's and he gives me his signature smirk.

I walk to him and he puts his arms around me.

"Did you miss me?" He asks.

"Not really" I tease.

"Oh is that so" He begins tickling me and until I admit I missed him.

We all sit down and have lunch, laughing, talking. It felt good.

"We forgot to tell you guys, we got invited to a new year's Eve party tomorrow" Tyler says.

"Who's party?" I ask.

"It's a friend from long time, he throws a party every year welcoming the new year's"

"So are we in?" Max asks everyone.

"I know the boys are in" Cole says.

I look at Emma and Alex and they nod. "We're in"

"Great" Tyler says.

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