Chapter Three - Dinner with who?😒

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  School was so tiring and stressful like oh my.

  Zack's threat had me tense whole afternoon. Everyone said he was probably planning something big that will leave me the laughing stock of the school.

  "Mom I'm home!" I shout as I take off my shoes and run up the stairs into my room.

  My room still has some boxes to be unpacked which I'll do later on in the week or something.

   I went to my laptop and logged on to Instagram. I had so many new people in my dms.

I texted my friends from home assuring them I'm not trying to hang myself yet. I decided to call my best friend Addison.

"Hello" Addison said like she had no idea who was calling.

"Addi!" I yell with excitment from over the phone.

"Asha!" She yells back with the same amount of excitement.

"How is your new school girl?, Any cute boys?, Any new friends? Tell me!!" She questions excitedly.

"Take a deep breath girl" I reply calmly.

"I have a lot to tell you" I say.

After explaining every last detail of today to Addison, we talked about this new cute boy in her class who asked her out today.


"Come in" I say as I sit up on the bed.

"Honey we have guey coming over for dinner can you please get ready" My mom says as she renters my room.

" Who is coming mom?" I question , very curiously.

"Our neighbors" She answers before walking out my room, closing the door behind her.

"Addi I have to go I'll call you back tomorrow" I tell addi who was still on the phone.
"Ok bye Asha" She replies before I hear a click.

   My dress was black and reaching my thighs with a cut out back.

   My dress was black and reaching my thighs with a cut out back

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I was still doing my hair when I heard the front door open and my mother was talking.

"They must be here" I said as I put down my brush on the table in front of my mirror.

Not to long after I hear my name calling from down stairs.

"Coming" is all I yell back before walking very slowly down the stairs.

When I walk into the dining room my heart nearly drops. In my dining room is Zack frickin Walter.

He turns around and puts me staring indiscreetly at him. He also looks surprised to see me.

He checks me out before winking and continue talking to my mother and sister.

  "Ashley honey this is Zack from next door, he goes your school". My mom said with not even noticing the slightest bit of tension in this room.

"Really, that's good". I reply before hesitantly taking a seat next to my sister. My sister notices the tension and asks for me to help her in the kitchen.

"What's up Asha?" She asks worriedly.

"It's nothing really, you Know I'm shy when meeting new people" I reply half truthfully. I am shy when meeting new people.

When we walk back into the dining room my mom had already set everybody's plate. I had to sit between my sister Alexis and Zack.

  "So how do you like the school Ashley" Miss Walker asks politely.

"I like it very much I guess". I reply with the same politeness before eating.

  "Honey Maria and I thought it'll be a good idea if you ride to school with Zack". My mom said like it was nothing.

  "Wha - wh- what , w - w - why?" I ask stuttering.

  My mom stops eating and looks sternly at me before answering.

"Because it'll be much easier hon". She replies like it was obvious.

   Zack never said a word whole night and he kept a blank face so you couldn't really know what he was thinking.

  I was very content with that until I felt a hand on my thigh.
"What the hell?" I was literally yelling in my head.

His hand was just there on my thigh until it starts moving upwards.

  His touch was probably Making me melt. He was that amazing I guess.

"Are you ok dear?" Miss Walker asked staring at me with curious eyes.

  "Mhm" was all I could have said right then. I couldn't think properly once he was touching me.

He chuckled at my choice of words and removed his hands.
I missed his touch immediately. I wanted him to touch me again but then I thought back to this morning the jerk was still there.

  I was not going to fall for this arrogant fool. No way in hell that was happening.


After dinner we walked the Walkers to the door.

"Dinner was great Alice" Miss Walker said to my mom.

"Thanks so much Maria" My mom replied.

Zack walked up to me and whispered into my ear.

"See you tomorrow new girl" with that he walked out and turn around and winked at me.

What is it with this boy and winking?

Tomorrow is going to be one long day

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What do you think will happen tomorrow??.

Lots of love💯❤❤😘😘

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