Sixty-five - A merry Christmas

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My alarm going off makes me groan and I roll, falling off the bed.

"Ouch!" I sit up.

The door to my room opens and Axel rushes in.

"What happened?" He asks worried.

"I'm fine. I just fell off the bed" I stand up, picking up my coverlet off of the floor.

"You had me worried shit" He rubs his eyes before walking out, leaving the door open.

"Well merry Christmas to you too" I say amused and he mumbles it back.

I check the time to see it's 4am.

I have to get ready.

I brush my teeth before getting into the shower. I shampoo and wash my hair, I remember talking to Addison last night.

I can't even remember when we hung up. She was so worried about Kaitlyn and it hurts me to know.

I come out the shower and look in the mirror, my eyes are red and burning from my lack of sleep. Nothing make-up can't fix.

I pick out a short denim skirt and a off the shoulder long sleeve crop top from my walk in closet.

I pick out a short denim skirt and a off the shoulder long sleeve crop top from my walk in closet

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I comb my hair into two braids and do my makeup.

When I'm finished and I walk across the hall and knocked on Axel's door.

"What?" He groaned.

"Time to wake up!" I shout.

I run downstairs and the smell of ham and freshly baked cookies instantly filled the room.

"Merry Christmas" I smile happily at Joanne and Stacy, who are sitting at the counter.

"Merry Christmas" They say in union.

"I'm sure the boys will be down soon" Joanne says getting up and putting some cookies on a plate and gives them to me.

I pick up one and takes a bite and a loud moan escapes my mouth. "This is delicious" I compliment her.

"I'm glad you like it" She smiles.

I take a seat at the counter and unlock my phone.

"Merry Christmas Zack, I can't wait to see you❤️" I send before going into my sister's chat.

She's online. "Merry Christmas Alexis, I hope you're going to enjoy it❤️" I send and she comes offline. 

"What do you usually do on Christmas Ashley?" Joanne asks me and I look up at her.

"Well if I was in Trinidad Right now, I would be sitting next to my grandmother and cousins opening gifts"

"That's sweet" She replies.

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