Seventy-six - Innocent until proven guilty

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I walk downstairs with my bag and rest it on the chair before going into the kitchen.

"Morning" I greet everyone and a series of morning returns.

"Jax and Asher I need you both in the warehouse today" Phoenix orders them.

"Phoenix, can they atleast eat breakfast first" Joanne scolds him before handing me a plate of pancakes which I thank her.

"Ashley, I also need you home before 5" He tells me.

"Why?" I ask.

"Because it's not safe for you to be wandering around" He says sternly.

"I wouldn't be wandering I'd be with Zack" I say and he gives me a stern look.

"That was an order" He says.

"Phoenix, I heard you. I had nothing to do today anyway" I shrug and Jax laughs.

"Good to know you find me amusing" He says before finishing his coffee and walking out the kitchen.

I stuff most of the pancakes in my mouth and follow him. "Phoenix" I say and he turns to me.

"I know it's none of my business, but I heard about some members of Thorn's dying and I wondered if you thought The Rebels had anything to do with it" I state.

"Who else would be behind it?" He questions.

"I don't know, it's not like there aren't other gangs" I say.

"None of those gangs would step to us" He said. "Thorn's and Rebels are most feared"

"Yes, but I'm almost certain that The Rebels had nothing to do with it" I tell him.

"You're right... It's none of your business" He said before walking off.

And that was a kick in the ass.

I walk upstairs in my room to get my phone. On my way walking out I hear shouting coming from Trevor's and Stacey's room.

"Go then! Go!" She shouts.

"I am! You can't react like this" He shouts back and I hear like Hannah starts crying.

"Look what you caused" She screams.

The door opens and I jump back pretending to go downstairs.

Trevor stares at me before his eyes fall to the floor.

"Is everything alright?" I ask him. Clearly it isn't.

"It's..its.. yeah" He says.

"Trevor..." I start but he cuts me off.

"She told you to talk to me didn't she?" He asks.

"She's worried about you, and so am I" I say.

"There's nothing to be worried about" He reassures me before walking downstairs.

"Six members were killed, that's not nothing" I say.

"There have been more" He says unbothered.

"You have a family... A daughter" I say and he stops just as he's about to walk out the door. "Just be careful. Please"

"I will be, I promise I'll be home in a few days" He says.

"Promise to call and message everyday" I tell him and he smiles.

"Come here" I walk to him and he pulls me into a tight hug. "I promise"

"Leaving already?" Joanne and the boys walk into the living room.

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