Seventy-three -

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I hear my alarm going off and I groan before turning it off.

I roll off my bed and look in the mirror.

"You got this Ashley" I say out loud.

It's been a week since we came back from the beach house and since I saw Zack.

We talked everyday on the phone but it wasn't the same.

At least I got to spend time with my family, and even Phoenix made an effort to know me.

Now it's Monday morning, and we have to go back to school and face whatever life throws at us today.

I take a shower, change my clothes and do my hair.

I pick up my phone to see a message from Alexis.

"We still meeting up later?"

"Yeah, I'll pick you up from school" I send her.

Alexis and I started talking from since she texted me 'happy new year's' We met up a couple times to hang out but I avoid seeing the woman who gave birth to us.

Joanne and Phoenix even gave me a car since all my brothers have one and I was very grateful.

I walk downstairs with my bag and see that Asher and Jax are already in the kitchen.

"Morning buttheads" I give them both a kiss on the cheek before getting a bowl for my cereal.

"Someone is in a good mood" Jax teases.

"Maybe because shes getting to see lover boy today" Asher adds.

"Can you two shush" I roll my eyes before taking a spoonful of my cereal.

"Morning" Stacy walks in with Hannah on her hip.

"Nervous for your first day back?" She asks me.

"Kind of, since the whole Kaitlyn thing" I say and she nods.

After I eat my breakfast I wash my dishes before saying bye to everyone. On my way to the car I see Trevor now leaving as well.

"Where are you off to so early?" I ask.

"Why are you still here? Aren't you dying to see Walker" He teases before going into his car.

I roll my eyes before going into mine, I start the car and turn on the radio.

I drive to Emma house to pick her up so that she doesn't have to catch the bus on the first day.

"Hey, loving the car" She says as she comes in.

"Yeah same. Ready for the first day?" I ask.

"Ready to be with everyone again, yes. ready for long classes and rumors, no."

When I pull up in the car park, my heart starts racing and my throat becomes dry.

"You alright?" Emma asks me.

"I-I'm fine" I say but she doesn't buy it.

"Is this about the kidnapping? With Kaitlyn is still missing?"

"I still can't get over the betrayal, I thought she was my friend" I state.

"I know how it feels to know that someone close to you would hurt you, but you're the most strongest person I know Ashley... You'll get through this" She puts her hand on my shoulder.

"I see... I see her in my sleep. I know she's out there, waiting for revenge. You didn't see the look of hate and anger in her eyes Emma" I say and Emma pulls me into a hug.

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