Chapter Thirteen - Birthday Surprise 😱

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Ashley's dress above ⬆

Choose which dress.

I groan in frustration as I sit down. We've been looking for a dress for what seems like eternity.

Lilly and Alex is still looking for a dress while Emma comes and sit with me.

"Don't worry, we'll find the perfect dress" Emma comforts me.

"No we wont" I growl.

"Girl calm down" Emma said putting her hand up in defeat.

"I'm sorry" I apologise.

"It's fine, I know you want to look amazing" She says dramatically.

We both laugh loudly, causing the workers to watch us weirdly.

Lilly and Alex comes back and they snickered at my attempt to find a dress.

"All I want is a simple but sexy dress" I say frustrated.

"How about we pick some dresses for you and you can try them" Alex said smiling.

I nod my head in agreement and crawl back into the couch. This place was too elegant and fancy for me to be in here. Everything is over $600 and I probably would have cried if I didn't know Zack Walker.

Just thinking about him makes me blush. I can't wait to see him, I miss him so much.

My thoughts were interrupted by Lilly.

"Try this one" Lilly shows me a blue short dress. I shake my head in disapproval.

Emma and Alex comes back with three dresses each.

I groan out in frustration until one of the dresses Alex and Emma were holding up together catches my full attention.

It was red, simple and check sexy.

I quickly take the dress and rush into the changing room. There was a knock on the door after a few minutes. Lilly gave me some under garments that looked like lingerie.

I put on the simple lace lingerie and slipped on the dress. It fitted me perfectly.

It hugged and showed off all my curves and it wasn't even to short either. It was perfect.

I could hear my mother's voice from outside, I knew she was back.

My mother and sister had went to buy some food knowing my greedy ass.

Then there was a knock again.

"sweetie, can you come out? I want to see you." My mom asks.

I take a deep breath and slowly open the door. I step out and I hear gasps and then quietness. Keeping my eyes on the floor, my mother sobs.

I look at her and she crys even more.

I was going to hug her but she quickly pull away.

"Can't let anything happen to this dress honey" She said wiping her eyes.

"Stop crying then" I tell her.

"I just can't believe that you are 18 already. Seems just yesterday you was my little girl" She said caressing my cheek.

"Mom stop, I'm still your little girl" I assure her.

"No you're not, in just four months you'll be going off to college" She said.

I couldn't argue with that, soon I'll be going to college and leaving my mother and sister.

Zack will be going a different college but we promised we would make it work.

My Bad BoyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon