Chapter Eleven

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Dedicated to @17serenity bc she made me the cutest cover in the world and I love her for it. Plus she is super sweet and fun to talk to :)

The song to the side is Working Man by Imagine Dragons and it has nothing to do with the chapter but I really just like the song and I the band and I seriously wish they'd release a new album bc they are just so perfect and talented and ugh I love Imagine Dragons aha.



"This was your fault!" Scarlett glared at me, viciously and I rolled my eyes at her.

"Grow up Scarlett, you're the reason that we're both stuck in here. Learn to accept your mistakes," I said flippantly, in a tone that was sure to annoy her.

I was right when I heard a small growl erupt from her lips. "It. Was. Not. My. Fault."

Shrugging, I replied, "I kinda think it was. No one asked you to come inside. And no one asked you to idiotically let the door close."

"It's not my fault. I was too busy wondering what you were doing sitting in the dark."

"Well, it's none of your business anyway. And why do you care again?"

"Cause you're ditching Mr Dicks class, you know...psychology, the class we are coincidentally partners for."

I sighed. "I didn't feel like going to class okay? Sue me."

"I don't care if you don't go to your classes but you cannot skip psychology!"

"Why not?"

"But then who will do all the work?" she whined and I rolled my eyes.

"Oh my god, it would be a wonder if you could pass high school!"

"You wanna bet?" her voice took on a challenging tone and I shrugged.

"Why not? You're bound to lose anyway!"

"Fine, if I pass high school and get into a university then you owe me."

"Owe you what? And you cannot cheat in any exams and you have to do all the study by yourself. And the classwork. No copying off some unsuspecting nerd, okay?"

"Fine. Done. And I'll tell you the payment later."

"No tell me now."

"But weren't you sure I wouldn't pass?" she asked innocently and I glared.

She had a point.

"Fine but what do I get if you lose?" I asked.

She frowned. "I'll pay for your college tution," she said.

I snorted a little miffed she thought I couldn't afford my own education. "No thanks, I'm not some charity case."

"Fine then, what college did you want to get into?"

"NYU," I sighed.

"Good, then if you win, I'll take you to one of the charity events they hold. You'll meet the entire board and some professors and stuff."

"How the hell would you get in?" I laughed.

"My father is a graduate. He goes to those things each year. This year won't be any different."

"Fine," I stuck out my hand, "deal."

She wrinkled her nose. "I'm not touching you."

I shook my head, wanting to not let out the bitter laugh that was bubbling up inside me. I was going to win. This would be easy.

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