Chapter 3: A Forgotten Past and A New Future(Part 4) (Edited)

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"Torin, Kal, Koko! Step in front of me." I said with a small smile, their eyes widening before they then puffed out their chests and walked up to me with serious looks on their faces.

"Since I've seen how you guys work and that you two are in favor with both groups. I am proud to announce that y' all are the first members of the new Council." I said proudly, both of them bowing their heads with a 'Thank you' as the rest of the crowd erupted in cheers and congratulations to the trio.

With the Council now officially formed, I was quick to order everyone in the village to pack their belongings while Koko, Torin, Kal and I went into my tent to decide on where to move.

"So...any ideas as to where we're moving to?" I whined, Torin stroking his chin in thought while Koko kept silent in thought.

"I have an idea," Koko suddenly proposed.

"When my pack and I were still under the rule of our former Beta, we had passed by an area where it had open fields for miles around, a nearby forest teeming with different types of prey and a lake not too far from it." He said, a sigh leaving me as I shook my head.

"That would be a perfect place to live but it won't do us any good if we don't know where it is," I said.

"There is a special landmark near it." He continued.

My ears perked in interest.

"A tree that burns bright with flames of blue, though...some say it is cursed," Koko whined.

"I don't believe in curses." I scoffed.

"You should with this...the tree holds the corpse of a Panther."

I raised a brow, a panther? Like those totally black wild cats? I don't know if it was because he was a wolf or what but...I found it to be complete baloney.

"A panther's just a big cat, it's completely fine!" I laughed.

"Besides, you said it was dead right?" I chuckled, Koko's eyes widening slightly before his tail began to wag slowly.

"Yes." He nodded.

"Then that settles it! Though I am worried if there are any rival groups there..."

"I can send scouts ahead of us." Torin suddenly jumped in before I nodded, thus concluding the meeting.

]Once word had gotten around the village that we were moving to somewhere better, it wasn't long before I had started seeing goblins mount nearby Sabre-Wolves and soon walking up towards me, Torin riding Koko while Kal rode the she-wolf.

"Alright, everyone! Let's get this show on the road!" I laughed, Koko, letting out a deep howl before he suddenly took off running with, leaving to rush after him with the entire village right behind us.

As we all ran together, the sounds of excited people cheering and barking wolves making me grin to myself like the idiot I was, we all had soon found ourselves in a dense forest. The sights of the sunlight pouring in through the tree leaves and wild animals rushing to move out of our way giving me the same excited and adventurous feeling I first felt when I left the cave.

'Wish everyone back home could see it though.' I thought to myself, closing my eyes momentarily before I quickly opened them back up.

"You alright?" Torin said suddenly.

"I'm fine! Just thinkin' a bit." I laughed as I stuck my tongue out playfully, Koko giving me a quick unconvinced glance.

"You are our Beta, if you are not well then the rest will not be well," Koko said.

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