Chapter 4: The Orcs (Part 2) (Edited)

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Once morning had arrived the next day, the gentle warm feeling of the light beginning to shine through my windows and the sounds of the nighttime life being replaced with the sounds of birds chirping away reaching my ears. It wasn't long before I had slowly opened my eyes and gotten out of bed, the sudden crunch of paper beneath my paws making me quickly look down.

'Darn it...don't these guys understand I don't have opposable thumbs?!' I thought with a small sigh of annoyance, pawing at the paper for a good while before I finally managed to open it.

"Dear Eos...because of my worry for this village as well as for you, Koko, me and a few others have decided to bring the fight to the Orcs." I read aloud before I simply shrugged. It's not like I didn't expect it! After all, all I did was sleep off yesterday and didn't tell them anything.

Though...I couldn't help but worry for them, this world or my world, it was clear as day. Orcs were a race that wasn't to be played around with, as long as they planned to kill off the scouts then that was fine by me.

"Still though, what am I going to do today?" I barked, my tail starting to wag at the possibilities as I walked out of the cabin and into the cool, morning air.

As I walked around the village, greeting people here and there, letting kids ride on my back for a minute or two and helping villagers resolve some minor issues. I couldn't help but find myself staring at the villagers' legs more often than usual...and of course, I already knew the reason why I was starting to miss my old body. It wasn't that I didn't enjoy this body! Being able to run faster, smell better and fight better was good and all but it also came with its cons as well.

Such as the fact I was only able to eat raw meat and could no longer eat my favorite foods nor taste the new foods of this world, I could no longer write, do my favorite activities like kick-boxing and the wolves of this tribe always sniffed my behind! I missed everything that came with being a be human again, even if it meant that I had to go through the cons once more? It would be a total blessing.

"Ah...shouldn't get all depressed over it though, there's magic in this world! I'll find some way to become human again!" I grinned to myself as I laid down in my favorite spot next to the lake, letting the paws dangle in the water a little as I enjoyed the cool feeling.

Suddenly, my collar vibrated, a small snort leaving me.

"Why did I get the feeling you would call me?" I said.

"What do you want bird?"

'You are sad about something, what is it?' Ibis said bluntly, a sigh leaving me as I slowly shook my head.

"Just thinkin' a bit."


I narrowed my eyes a little.

Should I really tell this bird about my thoughts of being human? Though I could sense her trying to be nicer to me and all, she is partially the reason why I'm not human now due to her choosing not to give me the power to make me human when I first got into the darn cave.

"Being human." I finally admitted.

'Why? Are you not happy with your current form?' She hooted.

"No, I'm happy with it!" I chuckled.

"I just miss walking on two legs and having the freedom to eat whatever I want is all." I sighed before Ibis let out a sigh herself.

'You were brought back to life as a dog my champion. To make you human...especially if you wish for it to look like your old form, that requires a powerful potion that would take days to make.' She explained, my tiny flame of hope immediately going out after those words came out of her beak.

"Figured, things are never that simple within this world isn't it?" I chuckled lightly, the sudden sounds of panicked screaming and crazed barking making me immediately widen my eyes.

"Talk to ya later," I said, the vibrations quickly ceasing as I rushed to the front of the village.

"What's going on?! What's going on?!" I barked as I weaved my way through the crowd, the sight before me as I finally reached the front making my blood run cold and my ears flatten against my head in panic.

Two goblin and one wolf, bloodied, beaten and most certainly dead. This is why I insisted to go face the Orcs myself! Though...I suppose it was good that I didn't go as well.

"Everyone quiet down!" I ordered at the top of my lungs as I bent my head down to quickly take a sniff at the bodies, the strong, putrid and metallic scent indeed confirming it was something new.

"What do we do Lady Eos!?"

"Must we move to another area?!"

"Will they come after us next?!?"

As all the worries, complaints and cries of the villagers reached my ears, their words mostly concerning my input about what I should do, I couldn't help but just go quiet and look at them dumbfounded.

I was just as clueless as they were...I didn't know what to do in the slightest! This was a murder and the fact that the Orcs brought the bodies back here meant that they were sending a message and it definitely wasn't a good one and it wasn't like I could just ask the remaining guards or warriors to come with me and leave the village defenseless! I-I had to go by myself...though, I'll admit it, I'm not as eager to do so as before.

"C-Calm down everyone! I'll go and rescue the rest of the warriors and guards on my own!" I announced, the crowd's cries growing even louder as I began to hear the comments of "Are you sure that's a good idea?!" or "What if they take you captive as well?!"

There was no point in listening to them, if I stood here any longer, they would only scare me out of doing what I knew was a huge risk! Luckily though, being reckless and venturing out into the unknown despite the obvious dangers have always been my sort of highway.

"Don't worry everyone, I'll be back! I'm putting Kal and Caisha in charge, do not leave this village!" I howled before I turned and ran off in the direction of the forest, my collar almost immediately beginning to vibrate aggressively as I soon as I started to gain some distance away from the village.

'What in the world are you doing?!' Ibis screeched.

'You are strong young spirit...but the Orci are stronger!'

I scoffed. "It's not like I'm trying to fight anyone, even I know when I've met my match." I barked.

"All I plan to do is just grab the warriors and guards and go home scot-free!" I said with the best smile I could manage, another screech coming from Ibis, the ear-tearing sound that reminded me of a nail being dragged across a chalkboard immediately making me skid to a halt as I shook my head in pain.

'You are being more reckless than usual child! When will you learn to stop rushing into things?! I saved you once, I will be unable to save you again.' She hissed, my tongue starting to lull out of my mouth as I shook my head.

"Two people already died Ibis, when I became the leader, I took an unspoken oath to protect them and make sure that no danger comes to them." I barked before I started to trot.

"Just think of this whole thingy as another part of the job."

Ibis let out a sigh, the vibrations of my collar beginning to fade.

'...That courage of yours young spirit, do not let it get you killed.' She said simply before the collar stopped vibrating completely, a grin coming onto my face as I nodded.

I wouldn't even dare! After all, it takes a lot to get me to kick my own bucket.

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