Chapter 12: Final Boss (Part 3) (Edited)

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It was quiet, so quiet that I could almost make out words from the wind. For a moment, I thought that I had lost their respect and that they were all going to simply turn around and go back the way they came but...the second someone had started to clap and cheer, everyone else had followed suit in a cheer that could've rivaled army cries from the movies. I was proud of the war speech I had given but...that confidence and cheer was short-lived by the sudden sound of a war horn and the sounds of cries from down below. They were here...the other side.

"Let's get this over with everyone." I sighed as I quickly turned back into a human.

If the leader was going in as a human then I should've gone in as one as well. Once my army and I had reached the surprisingly sandy grounds of the war field, the feeling of it beneath my feet giving me a strange sense of hope for this battle, it didn't take long before I noticed how the people were dressed from the other side.

They...they were Paladins?! I thought those guys were just guards and demon-killers! And that? That wasn't even the strangest part...their weapons seemed to glow with an ancient, dangerous aura...the weapons sent chills throughout my body and even to my bones. Something was off here and I didn't even dare touch upon the topic of mentioning the different animals that stood alongside them. From the way they looked, to even their abnormally huge sizes...these weren't normal animals. Something was definitely magical about them.

"Well...if it isn't Eos. How have you been my friend?" Said an all too familiar voice, my eyes widening as I watched a girl approach me, her eyes covered by her long black bangs while the rest of her hair was in a ponytail, held together by an animal horn.

She was the girl from the Standing Oceans! M-My best friend...I didn't know her as the Rhino's champion, I knew her first by the name-

"S-Sayri...?" I said, my voice shivering with shock, anger and all types of different emotions as she continued to stand there with a giant sword slung over her shoulder casually.

"So, you finally remember me...after all those memories and dreams I sent you, you choose now to remember me?!" Sayri suddenly roared, her loud voice shocking me even more.! T-This wasn't right! Sayri was supposed to be as sweet as a bug and as gentle as a feather! She would've never thought to wage war on me nor even lay a hand on me! She was my best friend! W-We had known each other since middle-school for crying out loud!

"S-Sayri! You waged war on me? Why?!" I roared back, hot tears flying down my face as I desperately tried to grasp onto the situation.

"Why? Isn't it obvious Eos?" She chuckled lightly.

How could she chuckle in this situation...? She was my friend and yet she betrayed me!

" died, you left me alone...with all those cursed people back in the school you had the audacity to leave me behind in!" She continued, I narrowed my eyes.

"It was never my intention to leave you behind Sayri." I said.

"And you know that...if I could turn back the hands of time, I would've gone back to not only you but my family as well!" I screamed.

"None of this was intentional! You think I was begging to die!?!" She went quiet, I knew that quietness all too well...when Sayri went quiet suddenly like that, that meant she knew she was in the wrong...this whole war was a dumbass move on her part and unfortunately? I had a deadly feeling she wasn't going to back down. Backing down meant that she knew she was in the wrong.

"...Fuck you Eos." She spat, venom heavy in her tone as she slowly backed away, causing me to back away a little as well before steam started to rise from the bottom of my feet while I took out my sword.

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