Chapter 4: The Orcs(Part 4) (Edited)

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 As the Orc dragged me around camp, my eyes beginning to tear up from the choking, it was a little bit before he finally reached the Chieftain's tent. The sight of wood totems, strange symbols and drawings as well as heavily armed guards everywhere making me gulp in nervousness as well as slight hopelessness.

"Do not disappoint him, he will send you to serve the gods earlier if so." The Orc said bluntly as he threw me into the tent before promptly leaving.

'Go choke on a bone ya pot-bellied green pig." I said with a wheeze and through a series of violent coughs.

"Look at me bird champion." Said a deep, almost booming voice before I slowly looked up, my eyes widening at the sight.

There was an Orc Chieftain waiting for me...and what a hideous Chieftain he was! Though the Chieftain had a body that resembled a well-trained boxer, with thick bulging muscles and veins evident on his light green skin, his body was also like something a cat scratched up with scars, old and new, covering every inch of his body. He also had a pair of broken, seeming ancient yellow tusks that were like unsightly rotten tree trunks that stuck out of his ugly, noxious, slightly agape mouth while his dark olive eyes shined at me with all the coldness and murder in the world the same way his right hand replaced with a hook did.

This Chieftain looked like he could kill me with a single snap of his fingers and I don't doubt that he would hesitate to do so either.

"Hm...if it isn't my new pet. The owl's champion." The Chieftain said as with a bored tone as he started to walk over, my nervousness starting to jump towards the sky every time he took a closer step towards me.

"...The Guardian must be desperate, seeing as she picked such an ugly, slouched face mutt." He spat as he roughly took my face in his hand and inspected me.

I was tempted to snarl, bite his hand or do anything to get his ugly mug outta my face but...when I remembered I came here for a reason, I was pretty quick to ignore my temper.

"What's this?" The Chieftain suddenly asked, starting to lightly pull on the collar Ibis gave me.

"A collar," I said with a what-else-would it be- tone.

The Chieftain huffed a little before returning towards his throne. Perhaps that whole talk of me 'having his kids' was just that, talk-

"Impress me." He said.

"W-What?" I said in utter confusion.


"Dogs please their masters; I am not a dog so therefore I wouldn't know." The Chieftain grumbled out before the room went into an uncomfortable silence.

The heck? That didn't tell me anything about how to impress this guy! How many times was I going to have to scream it out to this darn world? I may look like a dog but I'm not a dog! I can't make people laugh at random like that can nor can I do stupidly cute things that would make them giggle, I was human first and therefore I tended to be a little awkward.

'Can't talk my way out of this though...' I thought with a small whine before I looked around for anything I could possibly improvise with.

'Singing is out of the question...I definitely can't dance and trying to shoot things is out of the question!' I thought to myself desperately while the Chieftain's frown only deepened.

'I don't even know how to use my magic for entertainment purposes!' I thought. "But...I'm not ready to punk out just yet," I whispered to myself before I confidently looked at the King.

"I can't perform with this collar on," I said.

"Ah yes." The Chieftain said before snapping his fingers, one of the guards swiftly coming over to me to loosen my collar a little before my body immediately caught on fire, the King's eye widening a little in interest.

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