Chapter 6: Back To Normal (Part 4) (Edited)

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"On your fucking feet Theodoric!" Roared someone, a fiery feeling on the side of my cheek along with the feeling of a cold hard ground on my back.

'Wh-What?' I thought with a pained groan as the sounds of laughter came into hearing.

"Oh come on...get up!" Screamed the person again before I felt someone kick my side, a scream almost escaping my lips before I bit them to keep quiet.

"Eos!" I heard someone scream as I finally opened my eyes, revealing rows of feet, people laughing with their phones out and the sights of blood drops on the ground.

"W-Where am I?" I said as I struggled to get up, a boy walking around like as if he were a predator while he cracked his knuckles with a smirk.

"Don't know where you are Theodoric? Let me spell it out for you!" He cackled.

"O.u.t.s.i.d.e" He said, spitting out every letter while I continued to look around bewildered.

This entire place feels familiar...this pain is familiar...the laughing, the blood and the phones...everything is familiar! But I can't remember why I'm-

"Stop spacing out!" Roared the boy once more as he shoved me into the crowd, the crowd shoving me back in as I then fell on my knees.

"Damn weren't this pathetic when you were punching my girlfriend now weren't you?" The boy said sneered.

"Now look at you, a weak little bitch who can't even stand to fight back!" He laughed before I forced myself to get back up again, my knees buckling underneath me a little while my fists balled up.

"Eos! Don't!" I heard someone cry out, the boy looking at me with his arms wide open.

"Well? Come on now...give me something fun to witness eh?" He mocked, a cry leaving me as I rushed towards him. Right before I could get at him, he had suddenly moved out of the way and quickly pushed me over once more, the laughter getting even louder and louder as it almost made me deaf.

"Damn...! I'll be nice and say that was a good try." Snickered the boy as he held me up by my hair, a groan of pain leaving me as he chuckled like a madman.

"Say it, who am I?" He said, his question making me let out a whimper as I tried to escape his grasp.

"I-I-I don't know..." I said weakly, a punch colliding with my face soon after.

"Incorrect...who am I? C'mon you know it! You used to adore my name when you had a crush on me!" Cackled the boy as I dared to open my eye fully to get a good look at him.

How dare this boy accuse me of liking him? Someone who would hurt others for the sick pleasure of entertainment, to bring others down and to make himself feel like a damn king...? Well this one surely did, he had platium blonde hair that shined underneath the sunlight blindingly, white skin with a small scar underneath his right eye, a lean but fit body and a set of cold amber eyes that could freeze your soul in place if he really wished so while almost somehow managing to spell out 'No mercy'.

I was afraid of him...not because of him punching me to a bloody pulp or reducing me to nothing in front of a crowd but because of something more distant than that. I knew him from somewhere, a lifetime ago? I didn't remember exactly and it was too painful to remember right now.

"Hey! What are you kids doing?!" Suddenly shouted an authoritative voice, the voice making the boy cuss under his breath before he dropped me and ran, causing the others to scurry like rats while I felt someone go to my side.

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