Chapter 6: Back To Normal (Part 2) (Edited)

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How I (more or less) imagine Eos/her armor to look like~

As the minutes turned into the hours and the hours turned into days. I almost didn't notice that it was finally the last day of my week of training with Ibis! I was eager to finally go back outside where the entire world of Balerion was just waiting to see me as a human! Though...during this last entire week, I couldn't help but notice earthquake-like noises go throughout the ground every now and again.

"Now my champion," Ibis said as I stood in the middle of a bunch of targets. Their targets once made me nervous, when I first arrived but now? I was able to look at them with a bored expression.

"Show me what you have learned." She said, the sound of her screech acting as a bell before the targets suddenly started to rush at me.

'Easy.' I said with a smirk, digging my foot into the ground a little before I took off.

From using my feet as if they were accurate missiles, to using my fists as if they were precise canons! I was proud to say that I was trained to be a fighting machine! Due to the constant, almost non-stop training with Ibis that ranged from magical, physical and sometimes even mental, not only did I manage to learn how to direct my flames towards specific areas of my body that allowed me to learn new skills that I named 'Fire Kick', 'Flame Shield' and 'Fire First'. I had also managed to increase my ability to understand Latin and a little bit of Greek! I would be needing it after all in this world.

"Done!" I said after kicking my last target in its jaw, a hiss mixed with a yelp escaping from it before it disappeared.

"Good, despite your reckless attitude, you are quite disciplined," Ibis said, a chuckle leaving me as I shrugged.

"Thanks?" I said with a small smile, the sudden sounds of the familiar earthquake-like sounds going throughout the ground again.

I narrowed my eyes, I've been ignoring it this entire week but now that it was my last day?

I feel like I deserved to know what was going on in this cave.

"So...Ibis, mind explaining the earthquakes this cave has been seeming to have lately?" I asked, Ibis widening her eyes a little before she turned her head towards the cave in the far distance, causing me to look towards it as well.

"Earlier this week, I was given a sacrifice." She huffed, my eyes widening immediately.

She was a Guardian, this world's version of a god so I wasn't too surprised she got sacrifices but...what in the heck did people give to her that was capable of making the ground shake?

"A former gladiator known as Ares; I had planned to kill him before I had summoned you here but then I got an give him to you as a bodyguard." She hooted, my brow rising a little before I chuckled.

"A bodyguard?" I repeated.

"Thanks, but no thanks, I'm pretty capable of defending myself."

"Indeed, you are." She said with a small nod.

"But you have yet to see Ares, come," Ibis said before she suddenly flew off towards the waterfall, causing me to quickly turn back into a dog before I rushed after her.

Once we had started to close in on the waterfall, the salty smell of it along with the tiny drops of water landing on my fur giving me a refreshed feeling, it didn't take long for Ibis to land on a nearby rock and let out an ear-piercing screech.

"What the heck Ibis?!" I tried to scream over her, her screeching finally coming to a stop as her helpers from seemingly all over the cave came to her call with weapons at the ready while a few already stationed at the falls started to stomp their weapons.

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