Chapter 4: The Orcs (Part 3) (Edited)

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Note: This chapter includes mentions of rape. If rape is an uncomfortable topic for you then please feel free to skip this chapter.

As I walked through the forest, the scent of blood, as well as the faint scent of goblin, starting to get stronger, I had decided that it was best to start looking for any clues around the area.

"I wonder if we should try to build walls around the outskirts of the forest..." I thought aloud to myself with a sigh as I sniffed around some trees.

"Build a gate so people can still exit freely, get some people to guard would get rid of this problem!" I huffed before I went over to another tree, my attention suddenly being turned to a distant tree.

"What the...?" I growled to myself as I rushed up to it, my eyes widening at the sight of a large marking on the tree.

A sword marking to be more exact, it was dripping with blood and it was embedded so deep into the tree that it was practically a hole now! The sword marking looked as if they were the work of some type of demon or monster and the sight of the blood on the ground as well as tree splinters were signs that this thing was in a hurry and was most likely chasing after something.

"I can see why everyone so afraid of these Orcs now..." I gulped deeply as I began to walk around the tree for any more clues, my search, unfortunately, coming up empty.

Suddenly, as if someone had opened up the gates of Hell itself, I had heard a loud, beastly roar. The sound embodied rage itself and promised death! I wasn't going to stick around to see if my thoughts were right, however.

"I-Ibis!" I yelped as I quickly turned to take off in the opposite direction.

"Ibis! C'mon now, this isn't the time to be ignoring me y' know?!" I continued to call out while the sounds of the roar as well as the new addition of thundering, almost earth-shattering footsteps began to hit my ears.

As my lungs burned, my heart thundering against my chest while my legs started to plead and beg for me to stop and take a quick break when they knew darn well that I couldn't, I had soon managed to make my way out of the forest and into another clearing, allowing me time to look back and see who or what was chasing me.

"What in the hell is that?!?" I screamed at the top of my lungs, as the creature, which I was now definitely sure was an Orc, came rushing out of the woods hot on my trail.

The Orc's skin was like that of an evergreen forest, dark and textured. Sagging wrinkles framed their face and tightened around his beady eyes and slouched lower lip. Tusks that were similar to tree trunks protruded out from his sour cavern of a mouth and the mountain of a man snarled lowly as I saw him carry a sword that was like a pillar of steel on his furred belt along with a single stone collar, bloodstains all over the items.

I was more than certain that this was one of the Orcs everyone was afraid of and I had an unwanted front seat to see exactly why they feared them.

"Fresh...meat." I heard the Orc growl before I soon felt a rough, calloused hand grab onto the scruff of my neck before it had lifted me off the ground.

"Let go of me!" I snarled as I quickly caught on fire, a harsh hiss escaping the Orc as he immediately let me go and I fell hard onto the ground.

"N-Now to-" Before I could even begin to get up and start moving away, the Orc was quick to snatch me back up into his vice-like grip but this time, he had soon snapped a collar around the one Ibis gave me.

My eyes widening at the slightly choking feeling.

"Let go of me!" I screamed as I tried to catch on fire. Nothing, I tried again, still nothing! I was no expert but...apparently, this collar had to have been a magic-stopping one. This Orc looked dumb but clearly, he seemed to have a plan.

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