Chapter 5: Now Or Never (Final Part) (Edited)

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How nostalgic it was...seeing as this was the place where everything started and now look at me! Leading a village, getting stronger by the day and saving people and kissing babies! I almost have a mind to start chasing my own tail in cheer.

"Ibis?" I called out as I started to walk around, Ibis' familiar helpers walking around as silent as ever.

"I am here." I heard Ibis hoot from above before she landed in front of me, a small flame of dislike starting back until it quickly died out.

She redeemed herself by being nice and fair to me, there was no point in bringing back old memories.

"So? What's the gift?" I asked.

"I stopped partying just for this y' know!" I laughed as I sat down, Ibis chuckling lightly as she shook her head.

"You should think about changing your diet, salt dehydrates dogs quicker my champion." She said.

"But, I suppose it doesn't'll no longer have to worry about that." Ibis hooted, her words making me tilt my head as she covered her left leg with her wing.

"You're not making any sense..."

"Let me further explain then, you're now permitted to become human." She chirped as soon as she removed her wing, a tiny bottle filled with a sparkly golden liquid within it, my tail thumping against the ground so harshly that it was starting to hurt.

"O-Oh my God...r-really?!" I shouted in excitement as I let out a few howls, spun around in circles and even ran around the area for a few minutes.

"Indeed." Ibis chuckled.

"Over these last few months, you've have grown and though I feel like you still need to practice with your magic. I feel like it'll be easier to do so in your old form." She said before gently nudging the bottle over to me and uncorking it.

"Woah..." I said in awe, the sweet smell that radiated from the potion making me sigh in pure happiness.

"...What will happen before I become human?" I asked cautiously.

"Will I never be able to be a dog again?"

Though I desperately missed my old form, I've also become pretty fond and used to this body of mine despite the limitations.

"No, in this life, your true form is a dog because you have been rebirthed as one. This potion merely grants you to access the body from your previous life." She explained, an excited squeal leaving my mouth after those words as I started to lower my head to pick up the bottle.

"Before you drink, however." She interrupted.

"I must ask you to stay here for a week," Ibis said with a sigh.

"Not only do I wish to see if there are any side effects, but I also wish to teach you more about this world and have you train." She said, her words nothing but air at this point as I hastily took the bottle into my mouth and gulped down the contents, a sweet but sour aftertaste being left behind.

"...I don't feel any different." I grumbled as I looked at my body, my paws still paws and my tail still where it was.

"Wait for a moment, you will most likely blackout and awake anew young spirit." Ibis hooted before she suddenly flew off.

"One of my followers shall escort you to me when you awaken!" She called out, her words coming true as black spots began to dot my vision before completely taking over, leaving me in black nothingness.

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