Chapter 4: The Orcs(Part 1) (Edited)

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About 3 months have passed since the village has arrived at the new lands and we're currently thriving with a population of 10,000! With the fertile lands we now possessed, we now had tastier crops and forests teaming with so much prey that the hunters usually brought back way more than we needed! As the village continued to develop however, not only did we have a stronger defense force, we were also starting to make better and stronger buildings as well!

We've long since abandoned the ways of building weak huts with thatch and graduated to the ways of buildings actual houses, shops and businesses with stone and wood! Yep, this village was quickly on its way to becoming a town if I do say so myself and I, Eos Theodoric was excited to see it prosper even more and see how many more people from different walks of life we could get in the coming months!

"This is the life...a peaceful village with happy people, lots of food, a soothing lake and a sunset that's as beautiful as a photo," I said with a happy sigh as I rested near the banks of the lake, watching the fish swim around in it.

"Well look at our Lady! Sleeping near the banks of the lake inside her newly made cabin." I heard Torin say as he approached along with two other goblins. I rolled my eyes.

"I'm not even sleeping; besides, I'll go inside the cabin once it gets dark!" I barked before I rose into a sitting position.

"Ah, I would recommend you to start sleeping in your cabin more often Eos, Koko's been telling me that his scouts have reported strangers making their way into our lands." Torin huffed, my brow raising slightly at his words.

"Strangers? What kind of strangers? Maybe they're friendly, we could use some more diversity in the village." I chuckled, one of the other goblins suddenly speaking up with a grim tone in his voice.

"My Lady...the scouts have reported that they are orcs." The Guard said, my breath catching in my throat a little as I imagined what the Orcs must've looked like.

Orcs...from the video games I once played, they've always been pictured as these hulking, ugly beings that had always featured overgrown teeth on their lower jaw, were the outcasted race and were just an overall bad group to hang out with! But, of course, I once thought that the goblins were going to be ugly little creatures with no sense of dignity but that turned out to be false! I'm willing to be more open to the fact that these Orcs weren't so bad.

"Eos, should we face these bastard Orcs head-on? We are stronger than we were months ago-"



"I said no! Look, they may be Orcs but what if they're different from the rest of their race? You can't group everyone together." I said as I got up and started to walk off, the group rushing after me like a bunch of baby ducks and yapping like them too.

"Lady Eos! I don't think you understand the severity of this situation...Orcs are dangerous and untrustworthy!" A goblin said to me, his words going in one ear and out the other as I continued to make my way to my cabin.

"Eos! Don't you understand?! Orcs are nothing but beasts that need to be put down like one, they do not deserve anyone's sympathy especially yours!" Torin roared at me, his words sparking a small fire within me that caused me to sigh and turn around.

"Torin!" I barked, silencing the babbling trio.

"Look, I say that no one deserves to be stereotyped just because the rest of their race happens to do bad things."

"You don't understand, all of them are bad-"

"That's not true! Torin, if you have such a huge problem with it then I dare you to try and stop me but other than that? I'm going to see for myself tomorrow, whether you like it or not." I snarled before continuing on my way towards my cabin.

Once I had reached my cabin, I was quick to rush inside the library section located a room away from the living room and begin research on the Orcs myself. I refuse to believe it if the goblins turned out to be complete sweethearts despite what I thought of them previously then the same had to be for at least some of the Orcs as well!

"Oh, how I wish I still had hands...maybe then I could actually reach things inside of having to grab things with my mouth." I mumbled to myself as I searched around the place, the sight of a green book on top of a pile titled 'Fortis Genus'.

'Might be something useful.' I said, quickly grabbing the book and taking it over to the living room before I nosed it open and began to read.

'...What are you doing?' My collar suddenly vibrated, a feeling that I haven't felt in months.

And, to be honest, I actually enjoyed those few months of peace.

"Does it matter?" I said with a growl, Ibis immediately letting out a hiss before she quickly sighed.

'Indeed, it does, you are my sla- I mean...champion. I need to make sure you are doing well.' She said. 'So, I ask once more, what are you doing?'

"I'm reading about the Orcs." I finally admitted, Ibis going dead silent for a moment before I heard a cooing noise.

'The Orci? They are Ursa's creation, why are you reading about them? They are not to be trusted.'

I scoffed. "Tell me something I haven't heard of; I don't understand why everyone's so sensitive about these Orcs. Even though their race is known for being untrustworthy, it doesn't mean the people themselves should be grouped along with everyone else."

'Ah...In Balerion, all the Orci are known for much more than being untrustworthy.' Ibis sighed.

'Their race is known for their aggressive raiding tendencies as well as other things...' I narrowed my eyes slightly.

"You're hiding something, spill it."

'The Orci usually come in groups of 4, to scout for villages they can pillage when they find an appropriate town, however. They then take food, weapons, and the women, never leaving the children or men alive.' She explained, my eyes widening at the sudden information before I let out a sigh.

Explains why Torin was so nervous about earlier then.

"Alright am I supposed to deal with the Orcs then?"

'...Your thoughts are better than mine my champion, you likely have a better solution than I.' Ibis hooted before my collar stopped vibrating.

Either I was dreaming right then and there or Ibis was actually trying to be nice to me! Though it could've been a bit more obvious, it was still pleasant to know she was trying either way. But still though...if the Orcs were known for such terrible deeds then...I was better playing it safe and staying in the village.

I may be getting used to this world but there's still a lot I don't know, especially about the more complex races of this world. 'I just hope this decision won't bite me or my friends in the butt though.' I sighed to myself before I left my library and went to my room, more than ready to sleep the rest of this day off. 

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