19 | Wait Till Tomorrow

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I didn't like fire alarms. I didn't like fire alarms the least! Why?! Why did it have to.. OH SHIT! I had food on the stove! I forgot!

"Oh fuck!" I hissed as I reluctantly released myself from Skye, my fear of my house burning down around me only slightly bigger than my want for Skye. I just didn't want to burn to death while I snogged her, mostly because I would want to do it 700 times more after that.

I hastily let her free from her position against the wall, giving her room to stand on her own two feet before turning on my heals heading for the kitchen. Smoke was flouting up from a pan with piece of chicken breast on it, which had turned into a piece of coal. That pan being placed directly under the fire alarm. For how long had we been snogging exactly? It must have been longer than what it had seemed. Max 5 minute! I think... how long did it take for a chicken breast to look like a burned potato?

The kitchen was a mess; I had in a hurry scrambled together a pizza and put it in the oven. Just a regular one with pepperoni and that stuff, I had wanted to roast a chicken breast, cut it into pieces and put in on the pizza, but apparently fate would have it otherwise. It was just going to be regular pepperoni pizza for tonight. Sadly.

I went over to the stove and took the pan off it, quickly tossing the chicken breast in the trash and throwing the pan itself in the sink, I could wash it later. It sizzled as the water drops around it started to boil. Then I went up on a stool and turned off the fire alarm, and everything went silent, it was like I could have heard a pin drop. I got down and placed the stool at the kitchen table again. I had a modern kitchen with a round kitchen table in some dark wood with fancy black chairs around it. It is needless to say I didn't decorate this place myself, I just kind of moved in.

This was the moment I remembered what had just happened with Skye, and the fact that she hadn't followed me into the kitchen alarmed me a bit. What person hears a fire alarm and doesn't go and check it with their own eyes? I walked out into the hallway again to find Skye leaning up against the wall, looking flushed and stunningly beautiful. Her dark red hair still clung to her neck and back, trailing small water streams down her body, and in the end reaching the wooden floor. She clutched the towel around her, giving my imagination almost everything and nothing to envision.

I wanted almost more than anything else to kiss her again, but the blankness of her eyes held me back. Something wasn't alright; I had just no idea what it would be?! I hadn't forced her to do anything. But then again there must have been a reason why she had run of just after we had made out in the car. Casually I tried to lean up against the wall next to her, almost touching my chest to her shoulder.

"Nothing's on fire, we're not gonna die, don't worry" I told her grinning at her, trying to lighten the mood. But she just stayed sad and gloomy. She didn't answer.

After a couple seconds of silence I asked, "What's the matter, Skye? Scared of fire alarms or something?" She shook her head slightly not bothering with any facial expressions.

"Then what is it, Reap? Did I do something I shouldn't?" I said softly as I lifted her head to look at me, placing my hand under her chin. She didn't struggle or anything, but I would tell that she almost reluctantly looked up at me anyhow.

"Jamie, you know we can never happen, right?" her words hit me in my gut, making me feel sick to my stomach. I liked her a lot more than I had thought I did in the first place, otherwise it wouldn't make me feel like I was slowly being pulled under water, drowning, when she said those words. I hadn't really admitted it to myself before now but... my thoughts trailed off, unwilling to think the words that there was no coming back from. Once they were thought, there was no way to turn back.

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