29 | Bower-napping

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Everyone had slowly finished eating and leaving the table to go - I assume - get ready for operation unicorn. It was already 1315 hours, which means it was 01.15 PM for those who does not understand that.

Jorge had left with Patrick talking quietly and secretively with each other. Subtle guys... Very subtle... I could tell Jamie knew something was up, he was looking after them his eyebrows scrunched together.

"What's with them?" he asked as he turned back to Evelyn and me.

"What do you mean?" I asked innocently.

"Weren't they acting a bit off?" he asked eying us both.

"They're probably discussing their next late night meeting," Evelyn said nonchalantly, while trying to swallow down the last pieces of lettuce on her plate.

"What are you trying to say, Eve?" I asked, Jamie looked just as confused as I felt at the moment.

"Well, it's obvious isn't it? Patrick is obviously bi and Jorge to me seems either gay or bi too, I don't think they are trying to hide it, they just are..." she said flatly.

"You are telling me Patty is gay? And I didn't know?" Jamie said a stunned look on his face, "I changed in front of the guy." Jamie didn't say it like a homophobe, not at all, he was just downright stunned.

"No, I'm telling you he is bi, besides I don't think he's even that attracted to you, J," Eve said harshly.

"I'll let that one slide for now, Smith," Jamie said sternly swinging around that stupid fork of his, he had finished up eating, and was now just playing around with his cutlery.

"Look Jamie just because someone is gay or bi doesn't mean they are attracted to every living breathing person!" Eve said.

"I think that's called pan sexual actually," I shot in as a side not. They didn't hear me.

"Yes and I take great offence to that!" Jamie told us, Evelyn and I simply shock our heads at him, thinking him too silly to even try to argue with.

"Well I do," Jamie said, "if I was Jace I would take even greater offence!"

"You're not now are you..." I said, getting up to put my plate into the big arse dishwasher.

"I'm as good as, now aren't I!" he more stated than asked, also getting up to put his plate and whatnot away.

"Sure J," Evelyn said sounding utter bored with the conversation, "Skye, can I talk to you for a second?" she asked still sounding bored out of mind.

"Sure," we went over put or stuff in the dish, and then we trotted towards the exit of the cafeteria, leaving Jamie to do what Jamie does best. Distract himself from doing anything useful. The door slammed shut behind us and we turned left down the hall. There was no one in sight.

"So what would you like to talk about?" I asked.

"Where were you and Jamie last night?" she asked getting straight to the point. Okay, so our absent from dinner and from breakfast had not gone unnoticed. Bollocks. I graphed the first excuse I could think of that was the least possible to raise suspicion.

"I sat up skyping with a friend all night, I don't know what J did," I stated lying maybe a little too easily.

"Well, it's just, when I went to Jamie's room last night, he weren't there so I thought, when I didn't see you this morning, that you guys went to go do something together last night," she more asked than stated.

"No, haven't seen him before now," I said - again lying.

"Okay just wondering, " she started to trot down to her room but then she turned back, "ah, do you know how to take a D sharp on a guitar? I can't seem to get it right"

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