𝐢𝐱. bars and records

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𝕺𝖜𝖓 𝖂𝖔𝖗𝖘𝖙 𝕰𝖓𝖊𝖒𝖞

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𝕺𝖜𝖓 𝖂𝖔𝖗𝖘𝖙 𝕰𝖓𝖊𝖒𝖞


AFTER SNEAKING BY a group of Clickers, and Ellie's failed attempt at whistling, the trio had vaulted over another locked gate and into the heart of the quiet and seemingly abandoned town.

"So," Ellie began, "let's say we get a car from this buddy of yours. Then what?"

"Well, then we go find Tommy." Joel replied.

"He's your brother?" Kathy asked, casting an uneasy look at the gnome she had just walked by.

"And more importantly he was a Firefly. He'd know where to take you." He added.


"He lives far from here, which is why we need a car."

"Hey look! Gnomes." Ellie chuckled.

"Yeah, those are gnomes." Joel mused, noticing the look Kathy was sending the drasted things.

"Creepy little things." Kathy groaned to him, she'd never like them.

"Man, I had an art book filled with these." Ellie reminisced happily, "I always thought they were super cute. Not fairies though. They creep me out."

The trio walked down the quiet street and into an old bar. Pictures were still hung on the walls, boxes still left out, and there was even and old arcade game over in the corner.

Ellie walked over to it, "Oh. look at that."

"What, you played this before?" Joel asked her curiosly. He hadn't expected her to know what it was, it was way before her time.

"Nah. But I had a friend that knew everything about this game." She answered, wiggling about the analog stick on the machine and pressing random buttons. "Apparently, there's this character called Angel Knives who'd...What was it? She'd punch a hole through your stomach before kicking your head off."

"Well, I was never a big fan of these things." Joel admitted.

"Neither was I." Kathy chuckled. "More of a musical buff than anything. Didn't have time for things like this."

"What'd you play?" He questioned, intrigued. He preferred music as well.

"A little bit of everything, really. Bit of piano, guitar, but I uh...I liked to sing a lot too. Used to have gigs at the local bar on the weekends. It didn't pay much, but I liked it." Kathy revealed, surprising herself with how open she was becoming around him. He'd said before that he didn't wanna know their histories and here he was asking her about her life, about what she liked.

"I wish I could play it." Ellie said, reffering to the game and snapping them out of their gaze on one another.

They left the bar and into a records store. Kathy remembered listening to records as a kid, her mother used to have this big old record player that she wasn't ever allowed to touch, it was her mother's pride and joy. The brunette began to wonder if any famous celebrities survived and were just living in the quarantine zones like everyone else. She'd love to randomly come across Keanu Reeves. What age would he be about now? Sixty-two?

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