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☽ sam ☽

i woke up with a sigh, hearing the continuous arguing downstairs. it never fucking stopped. my parents had been arguing for as long as i could remember. i grabbed my phone and checked the time. 4:35am. wow, that was early for them to start. i rolled over onto my stomach, hugging my pillow in an attempt to go back to sleep, although i knew it wouldn't happen.
after about ten minutes of me trying, i got out of bed quietly, walking over to my closet. i grabbed a pair of black skinny jeans, a white shirt and a black lil peep hoodie, along with boxers and socks.
"what about sam?!" i heard my mother yell, and i stopped moving to listen.
"he'll come with me, i've already got him a place in a school, and i have a place to live out there," i heard my father yell. what on earth were they talking about? i quickly got dressed and opened my bedroom door slowly to listen.
"this is just gonna fuck him up even more, we can't put him through this."
"well it's needed."
"this isn't fair on him."
"he's coming with me, and that's final."
"he should get to choose."
"why won't you listen to me?"
"it's not up for debate."
"is that how little you think of me? i don't even have a say in this?"
"that's not what i was saying and you know it."
"you were implying it!"
"shut the fuck up."
"no! he's my son."
"and he's mine too? he deserves to go with his father, not some delusional old woman."
"i'm just some delusional old woman to you? wow, nice one."
"would you calm down? it's not that hard to wrap your head around!"
"don't tell me to calm down! i'll do whatever i want!"
i stopped listening and made my way downstairs, the shouting stopping when i reached the bottom.
"we need to talk to you," my mother said softly, and it was refreshing to hear that tone instead of the screaming.
"about what?" i asked, grabbing a can of monster from the fridge and opening it.
"me and your father are getting a divorce," she spoke as i took a sip of the can, and i almost choked on it.
"what?" i shook my head. this could not be happening. was it my fault? it had to be my fault. they were arguing about me earlier. it was all my fault. why couldn't i just be perfect?
"and you're coming with me," my father said gruffly, and my brows drew together.
"to where?" i practically whispered, blinking my tears back.
"we're going to washington, and your mom will stay here in kansas," he explained, and i couldn't hold the tears back any longer.
"i can't go to washington, i-i can't leave my life behind?" i choked out, my mother rubbing my back in a soothing manner as i sat down on a chair.
"well, it's final, and we're leaving tomorrow," he finished, leaving the house.
"don't let him take me," i whimpered, looking up at my mother. i'd much rather stay here with her.
"i can't, honey, i'm sorry. you know how he is," she was crying herself now, holding my head close to her chest.
"i can't live without you," i sobbed, her fingers running through my hair.
"i know, i know. as soon as i can, i'll get you back, i promise," she said shakily, and i felt her ragged breathing as she held me. i nodded against her chest, the thought of leaving her tearing me apart.

this book is gonna have a few triggering topics, i'll put tw at the start of each chapter that has them and what it contains

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