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☀︎ colby ☀︎

i woke up with a yawn, my alarm going off beside me whilst sam groaned and curled further into me.
"good morning," i chuckled, turning it off and looking down at sam.
"g'morning," he mumbled, keeping his eyes closed.
"it's seven am. are you up to going to school, or no?" i asked, adjusting myself so i was laid more comfortably with him.
"i think so. if it gets too much i'll just deal with it though, i'll be fine," he explained, yawning and looking up at me with a smile.
"are you sure? i can stay home with you again if you want," i hummed, running my fingers through his hair as he moved upwards to get his face in line with mine.
"no, i'm ok. i'll be fine," he smiled again, looking down at my lips for a second.
"if you say so. c'mere," i chuckled, putting a hand on the side of his cheek and bringing my lips to his, him smiling into the kiss.
"i don't have any clothes with me," he pulled away and frowned, brows drawing together.
"you can wear some of mine, i don't mind," i explained, shrugging and watching as he smiled.
"thank you," he smiled, yawning and stretching.
"c'mon, let's go get breakfast," i grinned, going to sit up.
"nooo, can we cuddle for five more minutes?" sam asked, holding me down with surprisingly still gentle hands.
"sure," i chuckled, wrapping my arms around him and holding him close to me, him smiling widely.


"it was so boring without you guys yesterday!" reed giggled, running up to sam and hugging him, causing the little blonde to jump, but soon relax. the two were practically the same height, and i was glad they got along well.
"he's right, it was," devin chuckled, scratching the back of his neck.
"it wasn't later on in the night though, was it?" i sighed, chuckling and feeling sam's hand touch mine. i laced our fingers together as everyone laughed, the two boys in question shaking their heads.
"shut up," devin rolled his eyes, and nudged me, pointing at the other two, who were talking amongst themselves, laughing hysterically.
"what're you two laughing at?" i asked with a chuckle, squeezing sam's hand gently, and both stopped laughing.
"n-nothing," he grinned, turning to look at reed, and the two burst out laughing again. i looked over at devin for answers, and just got a simple shrug. i shook my head with a smile, looking over at sam again, who was already looking up at me with a grin. devin moved from standing next to me to next to reed, who leaned into him with a grin. as devin was moving, i pressed a quick kiss to sam's lips, reed cooing at us.
"i don't wanna leave you. we have no lessons together today," the blonde sighed, leaning his head against my shoulder with a red coating on his cheeks.
"i know, i know. but we'll see eachother at lunch, and we're living together, basically, so we have the whole night together," i chuckled, slightly amused by his words.
"wait, you guys are living together?" devin asked, and neither of us had realised he was listening. i shrugged and nodded, turning back around to sam and seeing his eyes filled with panic.
"what lessons have you got today?" i asked, taking one of his hands and rubbing my thumbs against his skin.
"uh.. i don't know, let me check," he mumbled, taking his bag off his back and rummaging through it. i watched with a smile, seeing his eyes light up when he found it, unfolding it.
"i have.. maths, science, geography, english, art and history. i literally would rather die, fridays are the worst in my timetable," he grumbled, shoving the piece of paper back into his bag and folding his arms.
"mood," i chuckled, watching him giggle.
"can i have a kiss?" he whispered, covering one side of his mouth with a hand so the others couldn't see or hear. i beckoned him closer with a finger and he grinned, doing as i gestured, and i pretended to whisper to him, turning his head with one hand and kissing him.
"that was so obvious, you dipshits," devin laughed, and i rolled my eyes, sam blushing and laughing. it was so adorable, and somehow i managed to fall deeper in love with him.

listen to high school by lil peep or die
do it

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