☔︎ 31 ☔︎

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☔︎ sam ☔︎

i sniffled softly, colby's hands holding my hair back after i hurled yet another time.
"i just- want it to stop," i hiccuped. my throat felt like it was on fire, my head was pounding and i just wanted to sleep and never wake up.
"i know, sweetheart, i know. here, have some of this, it'll help your throat," colby spoke, passing me a glass of water and rubbing my back. i held the glass with both shaky hands, taking a couple of small sips. he was right; it soothed my throat to some extent, but it still hurt, but i also knew he couldn't make it stop.
"i think i'm done now. my stomach feels empty," i sighed, leaning into him and closing my eyes. my skin felt sticky, but i was freezing. i couldn't stop sweating, and i didn't know why.
"i would ask if you want food, but i don't know if you'll be able to keep it down," he explained, and i nodded, understanding.
"i don't think i'd be able to keep it down. i think i just need sleep," i mumbled, feeling him place a kiss to my sticky forehead.
"ew, i'm all gross, don't kiss me," i laughed softly, him chuckling and rubbing his thumb over my arm as i rested my head on his shoulder.
"do you want me to go run you a bath?" he asked, looking down at me with caring eyes.
"yeah, please," i nodded, a sharp pain going through my head.
"c'mon, let's-" he started, being cut off by his dad walking into the house.
"are you two home?" he yelled, and i flinched, clutching my head with one hand. it was so, so loud, and my head felt like it was about to explode.
"yeah, and could you be any louder?" colby sighed, his dad walking into the room.
"why does it smell like pu- ah," he furrowed his brows, understanding once his eyes laid on the bucket between my feet on the ground and the state of me.
"sam's not feeling too good, so could you be a little quieter, please?" colby explained softly, his dad nodding and apologising.
"c'mon, let's go upstairs. do you need anything before we go up?" he asked, standing up slowly with me under his arm, my legs shaky.
"a-advil, please," i mumbled, him nodding and grabbing it on our way to the stairs, carrying that and the water in his spare hand. we entered the bathroom, him walking over to the toilet with me.
"sit there whilst i run it incase you need to puke again, i need to go downstairs and sort out the bucket and stuff, so if you need anything just shout for me and i'll be there, ok?" he explained, putting the seat down for me, kissing the top of my head after i sat down and nodded. he put the taps on and left the room, leaving me alone. the advil and water was on the countertop next to me, so i took one of them and swallowed it down with water, begging for the pain in my head to subside.


i sat down in the warm water, bubbles covering the surface and a mountain of them resting at the other end of the bath.
"colby?" i said quietly. i felt so alone just sitting in here in silence.
"yeah?" he replied.
"could you.. could you come in here?" i asked, my voice struggling to keep volume.
"sure. is the door unlocked?" he asked, voice getting closer to the room.
"yeah," i mumbled, the noise of the door opening startling me. the bottom half of me was underwater, and there was bubbles everywhere so he couldn't see anything, which i was kinda glad about.
"i felt really alone with silence," i explained, my voice almost silent as i spoke.
"that's ok, i'm here now. do you want me to put some music on or anything?" he asked, taking a seat on the toilet with the seat still down. i nodded and saw him pull his phone out, putting on music as he said he would, the sound quiet.
"the guys are excited for saturday, you know," he chuckled, me giggling softly.
"so am i. even though i haven't known them for long, i'm gonna miss them," i sighed, swirling my hands around in the water.
"we can always come back and visit. has your dad said anything since the phone call?" he asked, and i shrugged.
"i haven't turned my phone on since he rang. i didn't wanna know if he said anything else, he can fuck off for all i care. i hate him," i rolled my eyes at the thought of him, colby chuckling.
"i've never seen you so worked up about something. you're cute when you're mad," he smiled, looking down at his hand and twirling one of the rings around his middle finger.
"shut up. get in here with me," i laughed, feeling a lot better than i had less than thirty minutes before.
"what, actually?" he asked, looking shocked, but still with a smile.
"i-if you're ok with it," i smiled, looking up at him, and he nodded.

the ending on this is so shit lmao sorry

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