☔︎ 20 ☔︎

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☔︎ sam ☔︎

"i'm sorry," i almost whispered, taking light-footed steps through colby's home as i followed him to his bedroom.
"you've nothing to be sorry for. stop apologising," he explained, placing a gentle hand on my shoulder, making me jump slightly.
"b-but i'm making you miss school, and your dad might be mad," i shook my head, looking up at him sadly.
"i would much rather be here, making sure you're ok than at school. and my dad'll understand, i promise. you've got got nothing to apologise for, sammy," he reassured me, and the edges of my lips curved upwards slightly. i nodded and he ruffled my hair, sitting down on his bed. i giggled at the gesture and sat down next to him, my eyes travelling down to his hands. i wanted them to hold me, i wanted them holding me tightly and close to him.
"so, what do you normally do to relax, or just like, chill?" he asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.
"uh.. i like listening to music. and s-sometimes having a bath instead of a shower helps," i mumbled, looking down at my own hands.
"do you want me to go run you a bath? and i can put some music on if you want," he asked, and i looked up at him in shock.
"why are you so nice to me?" i asked, my voice barely even a whisper.
"because i want to see you happy. you deserve to be happy. c'mon, what music do you like?" he smiled, and i couldn't even begin to explain how that made me felt. i just knew it was a really, really good feeling.


"i like this," i said softly, my head laid against colby's chest as we sat in the warm water, bubbles on the surface. he let me borrow a pair of trunks and we both got in together, me sat between his legs.
"i like this too," he chuckled, chin pressed against the top of my head, arms around me. saying i liked it was an understatement, though. i really, really liked it. maybe i loved it. maybe i loved him. there was quiet music playing from colby's phone on the side of the bath, all songs we both liked, which i was glad about. i closed my eyes and focused on his heartbeat, which i could hear faintly from laying against his chest. it was relaxing.. all of today seemed to be relaxing, which was a change from the usual constant worrying i did. colby just seemed to help me a lot, and i didn't understand how he did it. i wasn't complaining though; he had told me time and time again he was here for me and that i could trust him. and i was really starting to believe it.
"you ok?" he asked quietly, running a thumb up and down my arm.
"yeah. when i'm with you i.. i feel happy. i feel relaxed, instead of worrying about every little thing. i'm sorry if sometimes i-i can be annoying or clingy," i explained, feeling feeling him place a kiss to my head, making me smile. i wanted him to kiss everywhere on my skin, but of course i wouldn't tell him that.
"you're never annoying, or clingy, i promise. every second i spend with you is amazing, and i never want it to end," he explained, and i felt my lips curl into a grin, one of my cheeks pressed against his chest.
"there's that smile," he chuckled, looking down at me with a beautiful grin of his own. a red blush crawled across my cheeks as i looked up at him, the grin never leaving my face.
"what's your favourite song?" he asked quietly, and i burst out into a fit of giggles.
"what?" i laughed, him chuckling with me.
"what's your favourite song? it says a lot about a person, i promise i don't mean it in a weird way," he explained, shaking his head slightly as i calmed down.
"well, what's yours?" i asked, smiling still. i was truly happy here. with him. only with him.
"feelz by peep. what's yours?" he chuckled, his warm hands still holding me, but his words shocked me.
"i swear you're a mind reader, that's mine too!" i giggled, reaching up and tapping the side of his head. he laughed and grinned as he did so, looking down at me with the warmest look i'd seen since my mom. my mom. oh my god, i'd forgotten about her since the argument. i'd have to ring her later, i thought to myself. i couldn't worry about this. not now, anyway.


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