☔︎ 17 ☔︎

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☀︎ colby ☀︎

(tw - mention of sh)

i got home with a smile on my face, happy that sam was home safe, he had my hoodie, and i'd comforted him, and it was just fun. i loved spending time with him, he was so fucking perfect, and funny, and kind, and pretty, and just literally fucking perfect. i waited and made sure he got inside safely before i left, and-
"hello? colby?" my dad's voice broke me out of my thoughts.
"oh, sorry, hi," i chuckled, shaking my head slightly.
"have you had anything to eat?" he chuckled himself, shaking his head.
"yeah, me and sam had pizza earlier, i'm not hungry," i shrugged, sitting down on the sofa with a smile.
"so, you and sam, eh?" he grinned, stood in the doorway.
"oh, not you too!" i groaned, when my phone started ringing in my pocket.
"colby, you can tell literally by the way you look at him that you're into him," he grinned as i looked at who was ringing me. sam? i smiled confusedly and answered the phone, my dad asking who it was quietly. i mouthed sam and he rolled his eyes with a chuckle, walking out of the room.
(s- sam c-colby)
s- c-can i talk to you? (sniffle)
c- yeah, of course, what's up?
s- it's my dad.
c- oh god, what did he do?
s- i-i got home and he was w-waiting for me, (sniffle) and he was asking me about e-everything i did and i told him to stop b-being nosy, and we were arguing and it was getting really heated, (sniffle) a-and he asked if i was high because i'm tired, my eyes are red, and i was holding back tears because i was so mad, and h-he took my bag and looked in it because he thought there was d-drugs but it was your hoodie a-and he hit (hiccup) he h-hit me, and called me a faggot. i don't know w-what to do, i-i cant stay here with him, a-and i went upstairs, and i know it's so, so stupid, b-but i cut myself a-and i'm shaking and c-crying, a-and there's b-blood all over the s-sink a-and i dont k-know what to d-do (sobbing).
c- oh my god, ok, uh, fuck.. has the bleeding stopped?
s- n-no.
c- ok, you need to put pressure on it, ok? get a clean towel or a shirt or something, hold it there, and the bleeding should slow down, at least.
s- o-ok, i'm doing t-that.
c- do you have any clean bandages?
s- yeah, i t-think so (sniffle).
c- when the bleeding's slowed down, rinse it off but make sure you're careful, and put the bandage on it, ok?
s- o-ok. (shaky breathing).
c- are you ok? do you want me to come over?
s- n-no, i don't want you t-to see me like this. i-i'm a mess. (sniffle).
c- ok, but if you change your mind, i'm here. just call me or message me and i'll be there.
s- thank you.
c- it's what i'm here for. if you need help, or just wanna talk, or anything like that, i'm here for you.
s- t-thank you, again.
c- no problem. have you put the bandage on?
s- i'm doing it now.
c- ok. do you know how?
s- y-yeah (pause). holy shit, there's blood e-everywhere in here.
c- are you sure you don't want me to come over?
s- (silence). i don't want to be a b-bother..
c- i'm coming over.
s- w-wait, what about my dad? he'll see you.
c- that's a bit of an issue. he doesn't know what i look like, does he?
s- n-no, i don't think so.
c- ok, we're thinking of a new name for me so he doesn't know i'm me.
s- ok (giggle).
c- hm.. my middle name's robert, let's use that.
s- alright, robert. (laughter).
c- ok, let me tell my dad and i'll be there soon.
s- o-ok.

"alright, kiddo, where are you off to?" my dad asked, before i could even say anything, moving the phone away from my ear without hanging up.
"sam's if that's ok," i grinned, him nodding with a chuckle.
"you gonna be home tonight, or no?" he asked, and i felt my brows drawing together slightly.
"do you want me to stay the night, or will your dad shun me?" i asked, my own dad chuckling, as sam giggled.
"i think he'll let you. i wanna go ask him but i'm scared he'll h-hit me again," he whispered the last part, and it broke my heart.
"i'll bring clothes just incase," i mumbled, my dad understanding and letting me go upstairs. shit, i felt bad for sam. i really did.

sorry this update is late lmao
also if snc don't do femboy friday in my lifetime i am suing

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