☔︎ 5 ☔︎

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☽ sam ☽

i yawned and flopped down onto the sofa, curling up into a ball. my dad made me go out whilst he unpacked with the weird joe person because i was "no help" as he put it. i didn't know where i was going, so i just walked around the block for hours on end, and now i was super tired. i didn't even have the energy to walk upstairs.
"did you have anything to eat whilst you were out?" my dad asked, and i heard his voice from across the room. i opened my eyes and saw him stood in the doorway with a cup of coffee in his hand.
"no," i said bluntly, closing my eyes again and rolling over so i didn't have to look at him.
"sam, listen to me," he sighed, the voice getting closer to me. i sighed myself and rolled over, opening my eyes again, looking at him.
"i'm not gonna give up on you. i don't care how stubborn or how ignorant you are, i'm not gonna stop badgering you until you stop being so uptight and cocky. you're living with me. and you're not going back to your mom," he sighed, rolling his eyes slightly.
"she's gonna get custody of me. just you wait. i hate you, and i'll be out of here soon," i muttered, hauling myself up onto my feet and walking upstairs.
"i'll bring you some food up soon," he sighed, just as he had done the last time he spoke. i had to admit, i was grateful he wasn't making me make my own food. and it was nice to see he was at least trying to make an effort to get me to like him again. probably wasn't gonna happen anytime soon, but he got an a for effort. i slowly laid down on my bed, sighing when i realised i had to get back up to put some joggers on. i groaned as i stood up, just wanting to curl into a ball and never wake up. i hated it here, and i'd barely been here for a day. and i had school on monday. great. just great.


"shut up!" i heard my dad yell from downstairs, making me jolt out of my sleep. there was a pause of silence.
"no, you're not, i'll fight for it, and i'll win. you're not getting sam back," he yelled again, and i threw myself out of bed, the house freezing yet again. i pulled out a sweater from my suitcase, pulling it over myself and plodding downstairs.
"why do you always have to fucking shout? i don't care who you're talking to just let me sleep," i sighed, opening the cupboard with a decent about of force.
"you can shut up too, you're just like your mother, you never shut your mouth," he snapped turning around to face me.
"don't talk shit about her! and you still wonder why i don't like you?" i scoffed, turning around to face him.
"stop it with that language," he raised an eyebrow, and i poured myself a bowl of cereal.
"you can't tell me what to do. you're not my mom," i snarled, taking the food back up to my bedroom. he was still on the phone to my mom, but i wanted to talk to her. i'd have to wait until she was finished. i honestly did not get my dad at all. like yesterday, sometimes he'd be nice, but then like today he'd be the biggest asshole going. i swear he was bipolar or something. i sighed and sat down on my bed, shaking my head as i picked up my phone to message my mom.
'sorry about dad, he's being an ass as per usual. ring me when u can x'
i set my phone down after sending it, taking a mouthful of the cereal. i couldn't wait to go to school, surprisingly enough. it would get me away from my shitty father. i just hoped it was good there, that nobody picked on me. i couldn't handle that on top of this. never in a million years.

1. can i just say i hope sam hasn't proposed to katrina bc their relationship seems rlly toxic (it might not be, obviously we only see what's on camera, i'm just saying).
2. wattpad is literally my escape from reality lmao it gives me a sense of security

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