☔︎ 40 ☔︎

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☀︎ colby ☀︎

(tw - mention of r*pe and ab*se)

"colbs," sam hissed, shaking me slightly.
"hm?" i hummed, lifting my head up and looking over at him. i could hear something, but i wasn't quite sure what it was, and i couldn't process anything because i'd just woken up.
"i t-think my dad's downstairs, i can hear him and my mom shouting, i'm scared," he whined, and i opened my arms, pulling him into them.
"if it is him, i promise i won't let him hurt you. if he comes anywhere near you, i swear to god i will beat the shit out of him. you're safe in my arms, don't worry, baby," i explained, overprotective boyfriend mode turning on. he was shaking as i held him, i noticed, which was strange. i grabbed the covers and pulled them over us, holding him as close to me as i could, putting a leg between his. the shaking slowly came to a finish, but he was still wide awake.
"i cant sleep," he whispered, and i could practically hear the fear in his voice.
"it's ok, you don't have to sleep. just know that i'm here, and i'm not gonna let anything hurt you, ok?" i explained, seeing him nod. i could hear the arguing clearly now, and honestly i understood why sam was scared. it was super loud, and sounded aggressive.
"what if he comes up here?" sam asked, looking up at me.
"i won't let him hurt you, sam, i promise. he won't come anywhere near you. do you wanna go on the other side so you're not closest to the door?" i asked, him nodding again. i let him climb over me to the other side of the bed, where i wrapped my arms around him just as i had on the other side. his phone started blowing up next to me, and i passed it to him, earning a quiet 'thanks' from him.
"he's coming," he whispered, looking up at me in fear once he'd looked at his phone, and we could hear dull footsteps.
"c'mon, go into the closet," i whispered back, rushing him out of bed and walking over to the closet, the door already open. just as i closed the closet door, he opened the bedroom door, which disguised the sound. i had my hand on the doorknob, ready to hold it shut if he tried to come in. sam was shaking beside me, his hand over his mouth to stop the sound of his panicked breathing.
"i know you're in here somewhere, you little shit," he spat, and i felt sam press his body against mine, probably trying to find some sort of comfort in the situation.
"where are you?" he roared, and sam buried his face in my shoulder, covering his ears. his poor little hands were shaking as he held them up to the sides of his head, and i just wanted to hold him, but i had to make sure his dad couldn't get in.
"get out of his fucking room! if he wanted to see you, he would have done it by now. it's not his fault you made him feel to unsafe and unwanted that he had to come back home!" his mom yelled - she must've followed him up. i took my hand off the doorknob slowly, making sure it didn't make a noise, and pulled sam closer to me as the yelling continued. he looked terrified and kept his ears covered as he hid his face in my chest.
"i'm not leaving without seeing him!"
"give me a message and i'll pass it on, he doesn't want to see you!"
"how do you know?!"
"because you fucking hurt him! and then you said he was asking for it when he was raped?! you're fucking crazy!"
"he wasn't raped, for fucks sake, he asked for it! how hard is that to understand?"
"this is exactly why he doesn't want to see you! get the fuck out of my house and don't come back!"
"you can't tell me what to do!"
"if you don't get the fuck out right now i'm calling the police!"
"fine, but it's your fault when he runs away from you too!"
after all of that, a deathly silence hung in the air, followed by the door slamming. i looked down at sam in the darkness, seeing his eyes squeezed shut and his whole body shaking, hands still at his ears as silent tears escaped his eyes. i brought my hands to his, moving them away from his ears. this caused him to look up at me with panic, shaking his head.
"i don't wanna hear it, colby, please," he whispered urgently, trying to bring his hands back to his ears.
"no, no, sammy, listen, it's stopped, he's gone, he's not gonna hurt you," i explained, lacing my fingers with his and dropping them to his sides.
"you promise?" he asked, looking up at me with a sniffle and fearful eyes.
"i promise. c'mere," i mumbled, letting go of his hands and wrapping mine around him, hearing him sob heavily as he clung onto my shirt.
"c'mon, let's get out of here," i explained, guiding him out of the closet, where his mother was sat on the bed waiting for us.
"sam, i'm so sorry about that. he barged past me and i couldn't stop him," she spoke, him nodding quietly.
"i g-get it, it's o-ok," he whispered, hands still gripping my shirt tightly from just behind me.
"you don't have to whisper, you know," i said softly, turning my head to look at him.
"sorry," he voiced a little louder, shaking his head and looking at the floor.
"i'll go.." his mom sighed, leaving the room and closing the door behind her.
"you've got nothing to be sorry for, baby. look at me," i dropped to a slight crouch, him looking at me sadly.
"none of this is your fault, ok?" i explained, putting my hands on his shoulders. he nodded with a sniffle and i stood back up, him throwing his arms around me with force, knocking me down onto the bed. i chuckled and kept my arms around him, his legs on either side of my waist as he hugged me. i didn't know what the future had in store for us, but i sure hoped it was good.

hahahahahslol that's the ending. i have a new book up its called devil i think u should check it out

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