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☀︎ colby ☀︎


"wait, how do you play it?" sam laughed, his words slurring slightly from the alcohol we'd all been drinking.
"look, i'll show you," i grinned, putting my hands over his on the controller. my clumsy hands fumbled about with his for a minute, until i got the hang of it and showed him how to play it.
"seeing you three drunk is so funny," devin laughed, reed groaning.
"i think i'm gonna puke, but i want mcdonald's," he whined, sam still focusing his eyes on the screen.
"you better not puke in my car," devin tutted, and reed laughed.
"c'mon, we're going to mc-" reed started, being cut off by someone's phone ringing.
"oh, shit, it's mine," sam mumbled, patting his pockets for his phone, soon realising it was next to him. he looked at it and frowned, showing it to me. his dad.
"hello?" he answered, putting it on speaker.
"where are you? you cant just leave and not tell me where you're going and then not come back!" his dad roared over the phone, making sam laugh. oh god, this was gonna get bad.
"i did though," he giggled, hiccuping.
"where are you?" he asked, clearly not amused.
"wait, where are we?" he asked, giggling once again and looking around. him and reed had both had a lot more to drink than me, i was practically sober, and it kind of worried me now he was on the phone to his dad.
"my house, doofus," devin laughed, and i bit my lip nervously. what if he said something he didn't want the others to know by accident?
"i'm at devin's house, why do you wanna know anyway?" he explained, leaning back on me.
"i don't believe you. and joe didn't do anything bad to you, he told me what happened and he told me you were asking for it anyway," his dad snapped, and sam now looked furious.
"i was not fucking asking for it! i got home and it's your fault it happened because you weren't there! and you have the audacity to tell me i'm lying when you weren't even there? go fuck yourself," he scoffed, hanging up and throwing his phone onto the mattress. a deathly silence hung in the air.
"are you ok?" i asked, him nodding silently. i shot a look at the other two and they got the hint, going back to talking between themselves.
"turn around," i said softly, him doing as i said whilst looking down at the floor.
"hey, look at me," i continued, lifting his chin up with a finger.
"you don't need him. you've got me, and reed, and devin, and your mom - we're going back to kansas literally tonight. you won't have to deal with him ever again, ok? he's just an irrelevant asshole. you can get past everything that's happened, i know you can, because you're strong. c'mere," i explained, wrapping my arms around him. he nodded against my chest, holding onto my shirt with clumsy, drunken hands.
"c'mon, let's go get mcdonald's, ok?" i said with a chuckle, him nodding and smiling.


me and devin ended up having to go inside to get the food, leaving sam and reed alone in the car, which worried me a lot because obviously they were pissed. the doors were locked though, so they couldn't have done much. we got back to the car, both holding a bag of food, and the two other boys were laughing together in the backseat.
"what's so funny, you little shits?" i asked with a chuckle, passing the bag i was holding to the two in the back as it was their food.
"nothing," reed giggled, looking at sam and bursting out into laughter as he took the bag from me. devin was watching them through the mirror, shaking his head and chuckling, before finding his food in the bag we shared.
"colby," sam spoke, and i turned around.
"mhm?" i hummed, taking a bite from a nugget.
"i'm gonna have a hangover for the flight," he grumbled, furrowing his brows.
"i tried to get you to stop drinking, but you wouldn't listen," i chuckled, him sighing and taking a bite from his food.
"we ended up with some weirdos," devin chuckled, and i nodded.
"still love them though," i shrugged, continuing to eat my food. we were literally in a mcdonald's parking lot at like 3am. if that isn't absolute fucking goals, i don't know what is.

i have a god complex
when i don't i'm self depreciating and want to kill myself

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