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☔︎ sam ☔︎

"colby..?" i whispered in fear as colby locked the bedroom door behind him, turning around to face me with a sinister glare.
"c-colbs, you're scaring me," i whimpered, suddenly back in my room in washington.
"a little birdie told me you're into guys," he spoke, taking a couple steps closer to me.
"stop, please," i choked out, backing away from him, but stopping as i pressed against a wall behind me.
"i'm gonna show you what it's like to be a faggot," he snapped, getting closer and closer and closer...

i woke up with a jolt, gasping, and i could hear my heart pounding in my ears as i opened my eyes in the darkness. i felt hands wrapped around me and quickly scrambled away from them, causing me to fall off of the edge of the bed.
"sam?" colby mumbled, patting the bed next to him to look for me. i pushed myself backwards until i hit a wall, causing a dull thud. he looked over at me in confusion, turning the lamp on that was on my nightstand.
"baby, what're you doing?" he asked, and i hid my face in my knees, hugging them close to my chest and rocking.
"hey, what's going on?" he asked again, his voice now close to me. i gasped and looked up, seeing him crouching next to me and tried to move, but he placed his hands on my shoulders.
"it's ok, i'm not gonna hurt you, i promise," he said softly, dropping from his crouch to his knees and rubbing my shoulder gently with his thumb.
"did you have a bad dream?" he asked, but i couldn't bring myself to look him in the eye.
"come here," he sighed, sitting down with his legs open, pulling me into them and holding me close to him.
"speak to me, sammy. please," he spoke, holding my head against his chest and placing a kiss to my head.
"i-i had a dream w-where you were j-just like j-joe and you tried t-to do what he did to me," i sniffled, feeling tears roll down my cheeks.
"oh, baby. i'd never do that to you, ever. i'd never do anything to hurt you. c'mon, let's get back into bed, it's super early," he explained, and i nodded, wiping my eyes before standing up with him.
"d-do i have to sleep?" i asked, looking up at him as i climbed back into bed, pulling the covers over me.
"no, not if you don't want to. you might be tired later though, it's only.. 5am," he explained, looking at his phone as he got into bed after me.
"i-i'll be fine. could you stay up with me?" i asked, fiddling with the corner of the covers.
"yeah, sure," he chuckled, pulling me closer to him and wrapping his arms around me, holding me close to him.
"are you ok?" he asked, looking down at me as i reached over him to get my tv remote.
"i think so," i mumbled, turning the tv on and looking over at it, feeling one of colby's hands slip under my hoodie and rub my side slowly. it wasn't in a sexual manner, if anything it was just soothing.
"i love you," he said softly, as i put some random youtube video on.
"i love you too," i smiled, keeping my eyes fixed on the screen.


aaaaa running out of ideas

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