☔︎ 32 ☔︎

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☀︎ colby ☀︎

"are you feeling better than earlier?" i asked, sam stood at the foot of my bed in a pair of my boxers and one of my hoodies, stretching. the hoodie was baby blue, and it looked fucking adorable on him.
"mhm. i still have a headache, but my stomach feels a lot better," he explained, laying next to me with a yawn, his damp hair flopping to one side. i placed my hand on his forehead, feeling some heat, but nowhere close to as bad as it was better.
"you've cooled down, too," i nodded, him curling into my side as i put an arm around him.
"i think i ate something weird at school. i'm never eating food from there again," he grumbled, huffing and looking over at the tv, which was playing quietly in the background. i chuckled and shook my head, looking down at him. he was so fucking perfect. i had no clue how he did it all the time.
"what're you staring at?" he giggled, flicking my nose.
"you," i laughed, putting my hand up to my nose. he giggled again and sat up, slowly putting one of his legs over my hips and putting his arms around my neck, going to lay in the position, but stopping for a second.
"i love you," he said softly, pressing his lips to mine before i could respond. i kissed back, obviously, putting my hands on his waist gently. he pulled away for breath with a smile, me doing the exact same.
"i love you more," i chuckled, him laying in the position and closing his eyes, head laid against my chest.


"yeah, it was bad earlier. no, i'm ok now. mhm. colby looked after me. i do, you're right. no, he's asleep. ok, have a good day. i love you," i heard sam giggle quietly, laying next to me with his phone to his ear. he hung up and put it back on the bedside table, turning around and putting an arm over my chest.
"who was that?" i asked, chuckling and putting my arm around him with a gruff voice.
"my mom. sorry if i woke you up," he mumbled with a smile, making himself comfortable against me.
"no, it's ok. what time is it?" i asked with a yawn, him turning over and picking his phone back up.
"8am," he yawned himself, sighing and stretching. i nodded and he pulled the covers further over him, looking up at me with a smile.
"you're so cute. c'mon, let's go downstai-" i started, him cutting me off.
"nooooo, it's too early to get out of bed, and it's cold without you. stay," he whined, looking up at me with big eyes.
"i was gonna say we could go downstairs with blankets and have breakfast and cuddle and watch tv before my dad gets up, but if you insist.." i shook my head, him practically jumping up.
"ok, i take it back," he giggled, shivering as he stood there. i chuckled and stood up, grabbing two blankets from the end of my bed and passing one to him.
"thank you," he giggled, wrapping it around him as i did the same, stretching.
"c'mon," i grinned, opening the door and letting him exit first. we went downstairs and to the kitchen, where he slid onto the countertop, holding the blanket around him.
"do you want cereal?" i asked, searching through the cupboards.
"do you have cinnamon toast crunch?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.
"yeah," i chuckled, pulling it out of the cupboard and putting it down on the countertop, grabbing a couple of bowls.

this is a filler but 1 week time skip next chapter to guys night 😼😼

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