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A/N: Hey, loves <3 I'm back! I know it's been forever, it felt like a lifetime for me. Not being able to write, let go and slip into my magic shop (any ARMY readers?). But I finally made it back. I may have lost my touch a bit, though, I apologize. Let me know if I did good for this chapter. I love each and every one of you who have been so patient with me. Thank you! Without further ado, ENJOY!

Nova watches her dress billow out around her, sliding over the carpeted, marble steps as her feet pick up pace. How did she end up in this situation? Was she prepared for it twelve hours ago? Probably not, but when can anyone be ready for their death?

Thirteen hours before

The clouds had just risen to the brink of the field as Nova sighs in content. Her date with Scott only a few hours away. They had chosen the twilight time to meet up as she wanted to show him the beauty of Forks. In California, it was harder to wake up so early in the humid air, here in Forks, the cool breeze welcomes everyone with soft caresses.

"You sure you don't need me to shadow you guys?" Bella sighs through the call. She had grown anxious recently, perhaps for no reason, but a string of nightmares had been clinging to Nova recently causing everyone around her to be tense.

Nova rolls her eyes, "Yes, Bells, I'll be fine."

"If you sense anything wrong, just scream. Jacob is near me at all times, so he can notify me. Then, I'll let Edward know-"

"Did you forget that I will have a supernatural with me? Much less, being a supernatural myself?" Nova chuckles before reassuring her, "I will scream your name specifically if anything happens, promise."

Leaves rustle behind her and a familiar pine and cotton scent reach her nose, a soft smile gracing her face.

"Is this the place?" His voice filled the empty silence with a welcoming warmth. Turning, she sees the young boy she once biked to school with. The lanky jock with asthma problems. The little boy with the heavy coughing every Christmas.

"It's one of them." She smiles at him, a smile he knew all too well. The smile that made his insides nostalgic. The smile that brought back hot cocoa nights and Ice cream summer days.


Nova watches his eyes crinkle slightly as he smiles, the goofy smile that she loved to see.

"Forget me nots. That's what they're called. I had never seen any until I came here."

Scott nods, "it's funny that the most beautiful place needs these flowers. The view is too breathtaking to forget."

Nova smiles, not being able to say anything yet. As she admires her best friend longer, she picks out all the little things that once drew her to him. His bright smile that lit his face whenever he got the giggles. The soft brown eyes that remind her of smooth, indulgent fudge. Messy, hair that tousled with every nod of his head.

They venture out to sit in a clear spot among the beautiful blossomed flowers. Scott hands her some honeysuckles he gathered on the way. She smiles at little pink and orange flowers as she sucks on the bottom, relishing the floral, sweet nectar. As children, she remembers suckling on these in the forest where a small garden was made for her. She always enjoyed watching beautiful things grow, so Derek had helped her set up a small garden.

"The honeysuckles at your garden always tasted sweeter," Scott smiles, having similar thoughts to her. Nova returns the smile and leans her head against his broad shoulders, tickling his neck with the petals, "Yeah, and you and Stiles would suck them all up."

"Then, we had to deal with Stiles's asthma, allergy attack," Scott laughs wholeheartedly.

Nova watches him laugh, his eyes crinkling and his shoulders shaking. His chuckles made her giggle along as well before the real reason behind the date made her freeze. It didn't go unnoticed by him either. Scott knew that something was up. 

Nova was like a dream he knew he could never reach no matter how many times he tried going back to sleep. The fact was he woke up at the wrong time, and there was no way back. He knew this date could possibly be their one and only, but he was alright with that. With the life he lives, he knew these tiny moments of happiness was all he could have to himself for now. It was enough. 

"Scott, I have something to tell you," Nova says softly, not being able to hide it any longer, "I wanted to say it after this, but I think you need to know."

She takes something out of her front pocket and sighs, showing the shining ring, "I'm getting married."

Nova didn't know what was running through his head as he sits there frozen, wide eyes and thin lined lips. But, she was definitely surprised when he picked her up in a big hug, "Congratulations!"


"This is amazing news, Nova! When's the wedding?" 

Nova pauses, admiring how excited he looked, except she saw the glimpse of it, the moment of weakness shifting through his eyes. The glimmer of last hope leaving his eyes. 


"Wow, that's soon. Are you getting things ready already? Do you need any help? I can get my pack to help out at any time."

Nova stops him with a hand on his arm, "You're not mad?"

Scott pauses and smiles at her, a hint of sadness, "Nova, I'm not mad. I know my time has come and go. People are in other people's journeys, but we may not be in other's lives forever. I can see the love you and Edward share. It's not perfect, but it's promising. We could've been something great, but we don't know if it could be lasting."

Nova watches him take a deep breath, before looking down and continuing, "I was late, but that doesn't mean I will step back. I will be here as your friend, your alpha and I will always consider you my anchor. Because friend or girlfriend, you are the one who keeps me rooted. Anchors don't always have to be mates. They are just the people who keep you grounded with reality and yourself. No one else can take that position from you."

Nova smiles down at him as he lies back onto the grass, "That's some wise words, alpha."

"Well, you gotta say some wise words once in a while to look like one."


Edward looks out into the woods from his window, he spots Nova come skipping out from there with Scott and Stiles by her side. A few hours ago, she was out on a date which got cut short when Stiles informed them that Malia had gotten hurt. Upon bringing her here, they found out she had started her monthly cycle. The embarrassment was real, but now they all sat lounging in the back yard. 

Looking up, Nova sees Edward and she smiles up at him before flashing him her eyes. Edward looks at her confused as she looks off behind him, fear stiffening through her. Before he could react, a hand clamps down on him.

"You've got some gut to be near my pet," A heavy voice speaks into his ear, but when he turns there is no one. Yet, it was in that moment that things had gone wrong because as he whips back around, Nova is no longer there, and her scent was gone. All that remained was the ring which he had given her. The promise which ties them together.

"Nova." His whisper draw the attention of the others who look back to see exactly what he sees. 

A howl catches everyone's attention as Derek comes barging through the forest. He shifts back as he sniffs the air, "Where is she?"

"She was here, a moment ago," Scott says as Stiles huffs, "Well, obviously, now she's not. And out of all the magical things we can all do here, we definitely cannot make her go poof in a second."

"Correction, the vampires could take her away in a second-"

"Malia, now is not the time."

"GUYS! She left her ring here-"

Everyone gets interrupted by a screech louder than anything they have heard before and all eyes are drawn to Lydia who breathes heavily, eyes glazed over, "Nova, she only has nine hours left. She dies at 10 tonight."

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