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"You shouldn't have been there in the first place!" Derek growls at his younger sister who sits on the sofa, pouting. Nova taps her foot in impatience as her older brother gives her yet another lecture on being safe. All she had done was walk into Isaac's house to get trapped with Allison while this weird lizard monster stalked them. No biggie.

"Scott was there!" Nova points out and Derek roars, "Nova! It doesn't fucking matter."

Nova cowers under his intense gaze, curling into Isaac who also sat near her. Isaac wraps a comforting arm around her as tears fill up her large eyes.

Sighing, Derek kneels down to her level, "Nova, sweetheart, you're all I have left. You're the only family I have with me. I can't lose you. You know that."

Nova sits up as she sees Derek tear up and she hugs him tightly, "I'm sorry, Derbear. Please don't send me away. I'm sorry."

"Nova, I won't. Just go to school. You're late." Derek pats her back before ushering her off. Isaac pipes up in caution, "What does she mean by send her away?"

Derek glances at him for a second, pausing to listen if she had left before explaining, "My family adopted Nova. We found her wandering around the woods at the age of four. I was only twelve at the time. Her family had abandoned her for her problems."

"What problems?"

"Sleep walking and night terrors."

"She sleep walks?"

Derek nods, "Yes, it's how she first caught up with Scott and I at your house. She said she followed the butterfly. She always uses that excuse. When she was eight, she would scream bloody murder through the house at night. Every single night. We could see her trying to fight it in fear that we would send her away for the same reason her other family did."

Isaac blows out a deep breath, "Wow. That's some intense stuff."

"Yeah, she's always been special. I just wish I could keep her safe somehow."

"What is a kanima?" Jackson asks from behind Scott and Stiles. Nova swivels around to face him from next to him.

"Where did you-"

"Alright! Let's get started, class." Coach bellows out and Nova nudges Jackson with questioning nod as he signs out your brother to her.

Rolling her eyes, she whispers, "What about it?"

"I overheard Isaac and Erica talking about doing something to Lydia. Something about chemistry." Jackson says lowly as Scott and Stiles look on in worry, "What are they gonna do to Lydia?"

"I don't know." Jackson whispers back just as Coach snaps at all of them to be quiet.

After class, Nova follows Scott and Stiles to chemistry and notices the two betas walk in as well. Sending Scott and Stiles to Lydia's table, Nova grabs Allison to her own table.

"What's going on?" Allison says to Nova who responds, "Isaac and Erica are here for Lydia. We have to keep her safe."

The chemistry teacher assigns groups and Isaac sits with Nova. He runs his eyes over her in admiration, "Who knew Derek's sister would be so hot?"

"Oh shut your mouth, can't hear you over that hot breath?" Nova gags and dismissed him with a wave of her hand. Isaac frowns and pulls her in close, his claws resting on her spine, "Now, now, is that the way to treat the beta of your brother?"

Nova shivers and spots Stiles giving Isaac a dirty look. She looks over to see Scott silently looking at Allison as Erica drools all over him. Quickly, Mr. Harris asks to switch and Scott ends up with Lydia as Stiles with Isaac and Erica with Nova.

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