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"Nova!" A worried Charlie yells as he finds the girl standing in the middle of the backyard in the rain. She was soaked from head to toe like she had been standing there for hours.

"Nova, what's wrong?" Charlie shakes her and she swallows hard, "He's gone."

Charlie looks down as he had received the phone call from Carlisle earlier. The Cullens were leaving Forks. In the case of Carlisle landing a better position somewhere else.

"I know, sweet heart. Come inside. Let's warm you up." Charlie coos as he leads her inside the house.

Months passed by, Bella watches the young and quirky girl get quiet. Her eyes lose the twinkle of mischief, her lips curve downwards, creating a small and plump pout. Tears and screams were all that were heard late at night. Charlie slept on the couch these days, ready to comfort the girl when necessary.

It was a weeknight when the girl notices a text. She reaches down and her eyes widen after days of being half open.

Derek is dead.

Dialing the number, a soft voice answers, "Nova."


"Last night. Derek asked Scott and Isaac to back him up for a fight against the alpha pack." Ivy says and Nova takes a shaky breath, "And they?"

"On a cross country meet trip. Stiles keeps texting me updates. Scott is pretty wounded. I'm actually about to head there, myself. Just thought you should know."

"Where are they staying?"

"I think some place called The Glenn Capri. How are you doing? I'm sorry I've been gone for so long." Ivy apologizes and Nova sucks in a shaky breath signaling Ivy to ask, "What's wrong?"

"He's gone."


"Edward," Nova breaks and tears start to escape her eyes and Ivy gasps as the girl continues, "He left me. He said t-that I wasn't what he wanted. It's my fault, Ivy. I caused everything to go wrong. Me with my stupid mental illness."

"Hey, don't say that... why don't you come home? I bet you would want to say good bye a proper way." Ivy whispers and Nova sobs, "Yeah I do."

Nova packs her last bag and loads it into a car. Charlie had gotten her a cab. After telling the Swans about Derek, they also thought she should head home.

"Make sure to call once in a while." Bella says with a sad smile as she hugs the girl tightly. Nova hugs her back and smiles, "Thank you. To you both. You are an amazing family that I had a chance to experience."

"Be safe, kiddo. Remember, we are a phone call away." Charlie says gruffly and Nova hugs him tightly before saying her good byes and leaving.


"Nova, you need to get to my place like ASAP."

"I'll be there in fifteen."

Nova had gotten a room in Deaton's house. Saying she couldn't stay anywhere else especially since no one knew what happened.

Upon arriving at the Stilinski residence, Ivy meets her at the front door, "Ok, so Isaac and Boyd might be in trouble."

Nova rolls her eyes and grabs her bike keys, "You coming?"

"Definitely." Ivy nods and they take off to the address which ivy provides.

"It's good to have you back." She says and Nova nods, "Can't say the same, yet."

Nova screeches to a stop as she looks up and recognizes the alpha pack symbol on one of the windows of the lofts. A small butterfly flies out from behind them and Nova groans. It was lavender in color and oddly beautiful. She follows behind it, her voice clearing up as she sneaks up to the loft. There, she freezes as she sees two figures manhandling a woman.

"I'm gonna rip your throat out with my teeth." She hears a familiar voice, making her heart skip a beat. It couldn't be.

She sneaks up behind the men and sees Derek with his beats against Kali, an alpha. With a small whisper of a scream, she pins the twins to the ground. Kali and Derek stop to turn and see what was going on. Derek's eyes widen as they land on Nova. Tears fill Nova's eyes, "Derek."

Before anyone could react, Nova screams and sends Kali flying to the wall. Ivy peers behind the girl in fear and whispers, "That was awesome."

"Such a Stilinski." Isaac mumbles as Boyd rolls his eyes.

Derek doesn't have time to react as he fights against Kali with a screaming Nova. Eventually, Lydia and Stiles manage to find their way there. Stiles gaping at his sister being there, "What are you- is that Nova?"

Lydia and Stiles look on in awe at the girl who throws a kick to one of the alpha twins. Except they throw her back towards the door before grabbing Derek and Boyd. Lydia grabs onto Nova and holds her tightly as they watch in horror as Boyd gets killed by Derek.

Nova hides her face in Lydia's side as she sobs a little. She tried to help. She really did.

Stiles goes and places a comforting hand on Derek as Boyd smiles a soft smile before his eyes go dull.


"You're alive." Stiles says for the fifteenth time to the teen sitting in his living room wrapped up in blankets. Nova takes a sip of the cinnamon tea her friend whipped up and nods again. Lydia rolls her green eyes and shakes her head, "Besides the obvious fact. Where the hell did you go?"

Nova sighs, "I ended up lost in the woods. I was following a butterfly."

"Great, we are back to following butterflies." Derek grumbles but hushes when Cora whacks him on his head, "Let her finish."

"I ended up in Washington. A Chief of police found me and took me in. I had some injuries from werewolves but he couldn't know that," Nova looks at Isaac who looks down in shame before she continues, "I ended up having a wonderful circle of friends there. Human friends. With worries that only involved prom dresses and what homework was due the next day."

Nova lets out a sarcastic chuckle as she sniffs, "I fell in love. With a supernatural creature of all the people in the world. A freaking vampire."

Derek widens his eyes along with the rest of them as she holds back a sob with a bite of her lips. She wipes her nose on her sleeve before looking up at all of them, "But you know the ironic part?"

"It wasn't the fact that I was weak or I was made of a beating heart. It was because I was a harbinger of death that made him leave me. Those butterflies? Yeah, they lead me to dead bodies," Nova points at Derek, "Your so called death made me scare my boyfriend into thinking we weren't compatible. Because when I screamed to warn all of you, it shattered the glass of the house. Leaving Charlie's daughter in injuries and myself covered in blood that wasn't even mine. And seven vampires all hungry for blood."

"Nova," Derek begins but Nova stops him, "I'm not back to get back to the way things were. You hurt me, Derek, yet I still came back for you. I'll be here for a while. I'll help out in whatever mess you've made. But I'm not your sister."

Nova stands and walks out the door and back to her bike just as a voice stops her, "Nova!"


"How are you- what is-" Scott shakes his head before grabbing her in a tight hug, "I missed you."

Nova pats his back before pulling away, "Sadly, I didn't."

With that, she zooms off. To a much quieter place.

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