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Nova had sent Charlie and Alice to go get some things from the grocery. Apparently, Alice forgot to get the cake's ingredients. Bella was filled in on the situation.

"And Isaac hasn't offered a solution?!" Bella screeches before freezing under vampire glare.

"What's going on?" Jasper asks and they all turn to him with innocent smiles, "Nothing."

"Y'all are feeling anxious and worried. I can feel strong rolls of it."

"You also sent Charlie home. And I may be slow, but something is definitely up." Emmett joins Jasper's side just as the lights turn off.

"Guys," Bella's voice quakes and the girls turn to the windows in fear as two figures appear in the dark shadows. Darkness wisping off of their armors.

"They're here." Nova whispers as Ivy pulls Bella behind her.

The Oni cock their heads at her as Nova looks down before snapping her chrome eyes at them, "Bring it, demons."

"Nova!" Edward goes to save her, but one of the demons grab him and stare into his eyes causing him to collapse in shivers. Esme runs to him and checks his face, "Edward?"

"Guys, let me do this. Everyone get out of the house." Nova directs before a crash can be heard and she sees Derek and Scott standing in werewolf form by the stairs.

"Way to make an entrance, guys." Ivy says exasperated as Derek walks over to Nova and takes one side as Scott takes the other.

"They didn't come after us, so we figured they would end up here." Scott explains with his teeth bared, his eyes catching Esme's wide ones.

"How did you know where I was?" Nova asks as she hurls her burning sensation to one of the demons, watching in awe as he crumples to dust.

"I smelled you out." Derek shrugs before swiping at one of them.

As the trio fought them out of the house, Scott hands Ivy the mountain ash which she lined up on the broken window line, effectively spelling the house. Breathing out in somewhat relief, Nova turns to Scott, "Call Allison now. I want a solution ASAP."

"Can someone explain what the hell is going on?" Emmett bellows out as all the Cullens look on in equal confusion. Nova turns to him and sighs before signaling Derek to stand down.

"This is my brother, Derek. Scott is my best friend. They're werewolves. You know the whole turn on the full moon and killed by silver? Yup, that kind."

Jasper raises his eyebrow, "So when you said you were raised by supernaturals..."

"Yeah I was raised by werewolves. Derek's mother, Talia, was an alpha of her pack. Scott, over here, is a true alpha. Except his pack is more or less just a bunch of idiots grouped together," Nova shrugs as Ivy scowls, "Hey, I'm not that much of an idiot!"

"You're in that pack." Scott points out to her and Nova rolls her eyes, "Yeah, that's why I said it."

"So when we were gone, you were with them?" Emmett asks and Nova nods, "Yeah I jumped from one supernatural situation to the other. You know, died a couple of times. Still alive and all. But, with these demons, I don't know if we can still. They freaking knocked out Edward!"

Edward finally leans onto his arms and breathes deeply, "It's like they knocked my soul out."

"Thought you didn't have a soul?" Nova retorts just as Scott comes back to deliver news.

"They're looking for a nogitsune. One who isn't them self. You have to let them check us. Then they will leave." Scott says and Emmett widens his eyes, "Hell no. Look at Eddy!"

Edward frowns before mumbling, "He definitely should be checked."

"Ivy, let them in." Nova directs and Ivy looks at her, nervous, "You sure?"

Nova nods and she places her hand in Scott's as they move forward. The Oni come forward and place their hands around the two's faces, tilting their head and staring into their eyes. Suddenly, Nova collapses onto the floor as does Scott. Completely void of feeling except for the sudden chill in their hearts.  After the Oni disappear just as quickly as they appear, the others rush to them and lift them up gently.

"Nova, stay with me," Edward pleads as she slips into unconsciousness.

Nova yawns for the twentieth time in the last thirty minutes. Jess frowns at her from across the table, "Did you not sleep enough?"

"No, sorry."

"You're supposed to come graduation shopping with me today! Don't back out!" Jess whines and Nova rolls her eyes, "When have I ever backed out of shopping?"

"True." Jess nods and giggles before patting her arm.

"Are you and lover boy back together or what?" Mike wonders out loud and blushes when Jess flares at him, "Why?"

"I'm just wondering! Can't a friend ask another friend?" Mike says defensively as Alice plops down at the table, "It won't take too long for them to be back together."

Jess and the others gawk at her as she sips on her milk carton. Ivy swoops in and steals her fries before sitting on the table, her stylish boots on the chair in front of her. As Nova comes to sit down, Alice slides her the peaches.

"Peaches!" Nova cheers before slurping them into her mouth. Edward appears just as she slurps another and he stiffens a bit at the sight before dropping down next to her.

"So someone needs to help me with my speech." Jess says before Nova snorts, "Not until someone helps me with mine."

"Wait, what?" Jess snaps and Nova giggles, "My speech at Bella's wedding."

"Nova!" Bella smacks her arm after leaning over Ivy.

"Bella and Isaac sitting in a tree," Ivy sings before gasping when pushed to the ground, "Hey!"

"We aren't even together, yet." Bella mumbles.

"I think the main talk of the town is if our golden couple is back together," Angela says, looking directly at Nova and Edward in anticipation. Edward sighs but then freezes as Nova says, "Well duh. Of course we are."

Whipping his head to her, he whispers, "Really?"

She whispers back, "I can't deny the fact that you're my one true love."

"Oh, good. Wait, you say what?"

"Don't make me say it again."

"Ok," Edward smiles before leaning over to kiss her cheek softly. He was okay with that. At least, he had her back.

"Scott just texted," Ivy says just as Alice tells everyone else about the party at their house.

"I've never been to your house," Jess says just as Nova checks her phone to see the group chat.

Can some1 plz tell me why the world hates us? My mom thinks Stiles has what his mom had.

Wait, she thinks he's sick? But mom died from it!

Nova looks up to see her friend tearing up. Slipping down from the table, she takes a seat on the chair, her face breaking from the news. Nova places a hand on her knee and whispers, "Do you want to leave?"

Ivy nods as her breathing quickens, "Yes please."

Like Stiles, Ivy also had panic attacks. At least, she did have them since her mom got sick. In a lot of ways, Stiles and her were like twins. Except they were born a year apart.

"Guys, we just got some news. We will be back." Nova says as she jumps up and collects their stuff in a haste. Edward looks up in confusion, "What's wrong?"

"My brother. My brother." Ivy keeps starting but never finishing as Nova pecks Edward's lips, "I'll be back by class time. Hopefully."

"Be safe!" Bella calls out as they rush out of the lunch room.

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