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Nova listens to Evanescence as she works on an assignment before her next class. Edward had been avoiding her all day. But it didn't matter much to her since her mind was preoccupied with what happened the night before.

She had been reading the books to find out more about supernatural creatures in general, but she never expected to find out she was one as well. It made sense now why she was immune to the kanima poison and why she was following the butterflies. Everything slowly started to make sense.

"A freaking predictor of death. Out of all things." Nova mutters to herself, noting the same butterfly from last night fluttering down to her homework, "Oh no, not you again. You seem to bring bad news."

A scream breaks her from her thoughts as she turns around to see a car screeching to a horrible stop towards her. She yells out and braces her arms out for impact, but she feels a sudden force emit from her and hit the truck. She squints her eyes open and notices that the truck had an indent on the side and soon Tyler, a boy from school, pops up. He starts to apologize profusely, but Nova was not registering a thing. She looks down at her hands and then, the truck. Did she do that? But how?

She scans the crowd of students, her wide eyes landings on the Cullens. Edward, particularly, looking on in concern. Hoping they didn't see all that, she glances on her shoulder and sees the butterfly fly away into the sky.

"Damn you." She hisses and Tyler widens his eyes, "I am so sorry. Please be alright. Oh my gosh."

"Tyler! I'm fine! You're hurt, though." Nova points out just as Jess scampers over and starts to fret around her, "Are you okay?"

"Jess, I'm fine. Just please call an ambulance for Tyler. Call..." Nova feels lightheaded all of a sudden and she stammers over her words. Her eyes start to roll back into her head and strong, cold arms catch her body just in time.

"It's okay, I've got her. Call the ambulance." The familiar voice says just as she slips under.

The beeping of the monitor woke up Nova yet again. She groans as she opens her eyes to the bright lights. Moving up, she sees a hand push her head back down, "Hold steady."

"Carlisle?" She croaks out and the voice chuckles, "You gave us all a scare there. Have you not been sleeping well?"

Nova looks around the room and sees Alice sitting patiently with Rosalie who looked really concerned.

"I've been getting night terrors." Nova says quietly and Alice tuts, "You're stressing too much."

"This is actually the most stress free I've been in a long time."

"Nova! Thank God, you're okay!" Charlie bursts through the doors with Emmett behind him.

"Hi Charlie," Nova smiles timidly as he frets about her, "I'm fine, Charlie."

"Doc's saying you haven't been sleeping well. It's because I had you move rooms isn't it? I'll tell Bella to take the downstairs room."

"No, no. It's just nightmares is all."

"Is that what last night was? A nightmare?" Charlie asks and Nova pauses before nodding, "Yea. It was."

"Last night?" Carlisle asks in confusion and Charlie nods frantically, "Yeah she was screaming her head off last night. She didn't stop until Billy threw cold water on her. Then, she started blabbing about someone dead and then sure enough, my officers found a body."

Nova hides behind her blankets as all four pairs of vampire eyes land on her. Gulping, she whispers, "Can we go home now?"

"I'll have your discharge papers ready soon. Rest for a bit." Carlisle instructs before leaving with everyone minus Rosalie.

Rosalie walks up to Nova and caresses her face, "Are you alright?"

Nova shakes her head, her heart felt scared, "This isn't what I expected. I'm in a place full of people yet I feel alone. So very alone. I thought this could be a fresh start. A fresh start away from all the chaos my life had."

"Why isn't it a fresh start?"

"Rosalie," Nova scoffs, rolling her eyes and trying not to tear up, "Your family are vampires. I am a human who apparently is a little bit psychic or rather psychotic. Edward says he likes me, but then he starts ranting about how vampires are damned for life."

"You asked him to turn you, didn't you?" Rosalie mentions, knowingly. Nova shakes her head, "Do you know how it feels having to depend on others to keep you safe? Do you know how it feels not being able to save others? If I had supernatural abilities, I could have stopped that fire. I could have saved my brother's girlfriend. I could have had a purpose!"

Rosalie sighs before sitting on the bedside, her hand clasping onto Nova's. She thinks for a moment, trying to form the right words, "Where Edward comes from, he is meant to protect the ones he loves. He gets at us when we make mistakes. He is there helping Jasper control his thirst. He helps Emmett with controlling his strength. He helps us all in many ways."

"You have to give him a chance to open up to your ideas and thoughts. I know that I may seem harsh towards some things that involve you two. It's mainly because I am jealous of you being human. Having a whole life ahead of you," Rosalie smiles before leaning closer, "We just want you to be safe and live a wonderful life. You deserve a happy life."

"I'm happier with you guys in my life."

Rosalie and Nova stare at each other for some time, each smiling bigger and bigger before the door bursts open to reveal Alice. 

"It got too quiet in here and Emmett was worried." She rolls her golden eyes as Emmett strolls in, "Someone has to rely all this information to Eddy. He's stupid."

"Tell me about it, and I can feel his emotions all over the place." Jasper groans as he steps in as well. Nova sighs deeply before jumping as her phone goes off. Rosalie hands it to her and Nova widens her eyes at the caller, Deaton

"Aren't you gonna pick it up?" Emmett asks and Nova gulps, "Yeah."

Taking a deep breath, she picks up the call, "Hello?"

"Nova? I have some news."

"Could it wait? I am in the hospital right now."

"What happened?"

"Well, apparently banshees are my ancestors." Nova says and Jasper furrows his eyebrows as the others look on confused.

"I was actually calling about that. It seems the reason you healed from those wolf scratches were because of your genes. I've run some more tests to see what else I can find. In the meantime, I advise you to be aware of your strength. Your voice may be loud, but it also possesses a lot of power. Wisely use it."

"Alright," Nova says before hanging up.

"What the hell is a banshee?" Emmett asks as Alice responds, "A foreseer of death. When the banshee gets the feel of a death, specifically a murder, she warns everyone with a scream."

"So she's like you, but with only death." Jasper says and Alice nods, "Exactly. Does Edward know?"

"He left when I started screaming." Nova shrugs. 

"Alright, you're free to go, " Carlisle walks in before noticing everyone, "Well, isn't this a party?"

"By the way, Nova, we wanted to invite you to play baseball with us tomorrow afternoon." Carlisle smiles and Nova nods, "Okay."

"Edward will pick you up."

Nova nods, "If he feels better."

"He better. He can't be a sissy pants all year about this." Emmett harrumphs causing everyone to laugh.

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