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Nova gasps awake as her eyes adjust to the bright light around her. Squinting her eyes, she sees tall trees surrounding her. She tries to stand, but a pain shoots through her right side, reminding her of the events from last night. Was it last night? She couldn't remember.

"Hey, you!" Nova looks to her left and sees two hikers staring at her in shock. She lifts her bloody hand to them before she loses consciousness again.

When she awakens again, she hears beeping monitors and sees brighter lights than before.

"Am I dead?"

"No," a voice chuckles as her eyes adjust to see a figure in a white coat. She gulps and cringes at her dry throat, gladly accepting the water he offers.

"How are you feeling?" He asks and she sighs, "Sore."

"I'm your doctor. Can I ask you some questions?" The man says as he writes down a note on his clipboard. Nova nods and he smiles, "What's the last thing you remember?"

"The woods... a lizard monster... and my brother."

The doctor raises an eyebrow, "Interesting. Where is your brother?"

Nova blinks a couple times before whispering, "I don't know."

The doctor grimaces a bit before noting some more things down.

"How old are you?"


"Perfect, so is my son. He goes to school here in Forks."

"Forks?" Nova scowls are the name and the doctor nods, "Yes, Forks."

"Where am I?"

"In Washington. Forks, Washington."

Nova ponders over this. What state had she been from? As she thinks through all this, the doctor stands, "I'll tell the people who brought you in that you're awake. You had us all very worried, especially with those large cuts on your side. If you need anything at all, don't be afraid to call me."

"Wait," Nova reaches out to stop him, shivering at his cold hand, "What's your name?"

"I'm Dr. Cullen."

"Thank you, Dr. Cullen," Nova smiles before saying, "I'm Nova."

"See you soon, Nova." He smiles a beautiful smile before closing the door after him leaving Nova to wonder how the hell she ended up here.


"Have you heard from my sister yet?" Derek asks Scott who shakes his head, "No."

"Where the fuck could she be?" Derek kicks a trash can down and Scott raises an eyebrow, "Why? So you can scare her into thinking you'll kill her? We all saw she was also immune to the venom. But we knew it wasn't her, yet you just had to scare her into thinking that she was a monster. News flash, Derek, you're the biggest monster."

Derek falls to his knees as Scott leaves him in the dark parking lot, he whimpers out, "I know. I know I am."

"Where is she?" Lydia asks Allison who shrugs, "I haven't seen her either."

"This is all Derek's fault. He pushed her away." Lydia whimpers as Allison comforts her, "She will be found, it's okay."

"Could we have saved her?" Stiles pipes up from next to Scott who nods, "Maybe, but we always knew she was different. It was going to come out sooner or later. Maybe not a kanima, but then what are they?"

Back to Nova...

"Are you alright?" A gruff voice asks as a man enters the hospital room. His hair was a dark brown matching the mustache lining his upper lip. Nova smiles and nods at him as he gestures if he could take a seat.

"I'm alright. Thank you for saving me."

The man waved it off, "I had to. You look to be around my daughter's age. I couldn't not help you."

Nova smiles at him once more and he continues, "My daughter lives with her mother in Florida. Seeing you made me think how much she has grown. I would never want another dad to ever see their child hurt like I saw you. I heard from Carlisle that you may have memory loss."

"Or maybe I just don't want to remember." Nova whispers and the man eyes her before sighing, "Well, I would love to host you for a while, if that's alright with you. I could get you enrolled in a school here until we find your family."

"That would be nice, thank you." Nova nods and the man pats her head, "Alright, Nova, good to hear you. See you soon."

"Your name?" Nova calls out and he turns to say, "Chief Charlie Swan. Forks PD. At your service."

Nova giggles at his little bow, noticing the hint of a smile on his lips as he waves goodbye. Maybe staying here wouldn't be so bad after all.

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