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Nova peers into the hallway, creeping silently in, making sure to avoid the creaky step on the right side next to Bella's childhood photo. It was only creaky because of Bella's run in as a child into the wall causing a hole in it from her helmet. They covered it up with the photo, but the floor still creaks right under it.

Right before she grabs the door knob, she gets yanked away and she lets out a small gasp before pouting when she sees Edward snickering in front of her.

"Aliiiice!" Nova whines as the pixie haired girl giggles, "You are not getting away from this party."

"But I need to be there for Scott! He needs me!"

"Don't worry, he will be fine. You promised me you would attend the graduation party!" Alice says as she lets Nova go before giving her the warning glance. Nova knew not to argue so she just sighs and rolls her eyes, "Fine. Take me hostage."

"This isn't a kidnapping, sweetheart." Edward chuckles as Nova sticks out her bottom lip, "It may as well be."

"Enjoy your night, kids!" Charlie yells from upstairs as they exit with Bella. Nova mutters, "Some police officer he is, won't even save a young girl from BEING KIDNAPPED BY STRANGE, PALE VAMPIRES!"

Charlie's chuckle could be heard from inside as the others finally pull Nova out the door. Edward and Alice laugh loudly as Charlie just wanders about his night, clearly unaware of the truth behind Nova's words.

"Nova! OMG, I can't believe you never told us how beautiful Edward's house is!" Jess exclaims and Nova rolls her eyes, "I didn't think it mattered."

Alice smirks at the group as a redhead walks up to them, "Plus, she's seen bigger houses than this. Considering her best friend lives in two different houses. Ever been to a lake mansion?"

"Lyds!" Nova cheers as she grabs the redhead in a huge hug.

"Are you that excited to see us, too? Or is it just a one sided thing?" A sarcastic voice says and Nova screams in excitement as she tackles her two favorite boys, "Stiles! Of course, I'm excited to see you!"

"Alice extended the invitation to us since we were dealing with a lot. She thought you would like us here." Scott explains as he hugs Nova too.

Nova mouths a thank you to Alice who smiles back. Nova leans against Scott and smiles when his arm wounds around her waist, looking to the side, she spots Malia and Kira who wave from across the room.

"You brought the pack?" Nova asks in curiosity and Scott nods, "There's a slight problem."

Nova grabs his hand and pulls him to the side as Edward starts to walk over causing him to stop and watch them. He stands carefully to the side, listening carefully. He didn't want to, but something in him just irked him about Scott.

"What's going on?" Nova whispers to Scott who sighs before responding, "Derek is missing."

"I literally just saw his ass." Nova says and Scott nods, "Yeah and now, we don't know where he is. We were gonna head to his loft after your party. Maybe send out a search party."

"I'll join you guys, then."

"You don't have to."

"Scott, he's my brother. You're my best friend. You're my alpha. I can help out, too." Nova presses on and Scott sighs before pulling her into a tight hug, "Are you sure he's worth it? I can be the one for you. I can be your hero, too."

Nova giggles before pulling away and caressing his cheek, "I'm sure you can, Scotty. I have no doubts. But I don't want a hero. I want a partner. He's my partner. He may be a little formal, more reserved, but he's my shy vampire."

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