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Stepping down on the last step, Nova notices the many bird masked people surrounding her. Even The Mastre, himself, had on a mask, yet it was golden and easily distinguishable. Each person either gasped at her entrance or bowed deeply as she passed by. Not thinking too much other than the current thoughts which raced through her mind, her breath catches in her throat as she faces her biggest enemy by far... The Dark Phoenix. 

In another part of the world, Edward rushes from city to city, searching every nook and cranny for his beloved. Alice couldn't see anything and all they could rely on was Lydia and her occasional screams announcing the hours ticking by one by one. 

"Technically, she is immortal, right? So her dying shouldn't be a problem." Stiles asks Deaton who was now on call. Deaton grimaces and shrugs, "Well, I can't say for sure."

"What do you mean you can't say for sure? This is your life's work. What else do we keep you around for? Do you see actual pets we own or something?"

"Stiles, calm down, we are all trying our bests, you know?"


As she rounds the corner once again, she hears a shrill scream. The sound was much lower in tone than hers and it sent shivers through her. Picking up her skirts, she jumps off the bridge and onto the ground.

"Finally, I made it."

Looking up, she turns and aims her bow just in time to hit the gigantic bird with the brightest wings. The ripple of air travels through and tears into the scaly, feathery being as a cry of angst fills the atmosphere. For a minute, though it felt like a century, everything turned pitch black. Not a single thing could be seen. 

As light enters back into her line of vision, a series of memories flood through the sky. Her parents smiling down at her, their faces ever so bright. The flames engulfing them as the circus burns to the ground. A hand reaching out to her that connects to the body of a green eyed curious boy. Smiles of her wolf pack as they topple over one another as their favorite movie plays on the screen. Twinkling laughter from her new, cold family as they play baseball and giggle at the playfulness of the brothers. His smile, eyes crinkling at her as they share moments of silence together before being woken up by chaos


"Alice... Alice! What did you see?" The panicked voice of Edward shakes Alice from her trance and she turns to him in confusion and blatant shock. He did not need to read her mind this time, her face said it all. 

The rest of the family look on in fear, fear of losing the one bright sunshine they had never known would come to them. After all, they were going to hell anyways. But, now it felt like hell came sooner than they had expected. 

Stiles paces the lab with his phone in his hand. She had to come back. No matter what. That was his best friend, his first kiss, and quite frankly, the only one who gave him confidence when no one else did. He looks over to the corner where Isaac sits with his hands on his head, next to him sits Bella, cuddled into him. 

Across them sat Malia holding Lydia, blotting her sweaty face with a towel. Outside, quick and heavy footsteps fly across the floor of the waiting room before a figure swings open the door and looks at them in distress.

"Well?" Isaac shouts at the figure who gulps and opens their mouth, but Lydia beats them to it. A deafening scream erupting from within her, her eyes turning an opaque white. The scream could be heard for miles and sent chills down anyone's spine with the amount of grief being released. 

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