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"How are you feeling today, Nova?" Dr. Cullen asks as she fidgets in her seat. She doesn't make eye contact with him, instead she just nods. She hadn't been speaking to anyone recently and Charlie was getting worried. In actuality, Nova had found out that Jackson had left the country and that her best friend needed her more than ever. Yet, she couldn't go back. Not after all that has happened. Derek's voice still rings clear in her mind.

"Do you remember anything?"

"Fire," She whispers, "Fire all around me. Flames licking at my feet."

"A fire? Where?" Dr. Cullen looks intrigued as she finally looks up at him, "At my house."

He notes something down before sighing, "who's dead?"

Her answer made him shiver though she thought it was odd that a Cold One would get cold, "Everyone is dead. Except me, Derek, and our uncle."

"Where are they now?"

"Did you know our brains protect us too?" Nova says out of the blue and Carlisle watches her intently, "They block out trauma through various means. Making sure we don't hurt anymore."

Carlisle nods, "Right. So I understand that you've been taking your medicine that I prescribed. Has the pain stopped?"

Nova nods absentmindedly as he checks her vitals before jumping when he snaps in front of her face, "Nova, sweetie. You may go back. Your check up is done."

"Thank you." She says slowly before sliding off the bed and leaving quietly. She didn't want them finding out too much of her past. They would just send her back. But she liked living with Charlie. He felt like home to her.

"How was your appointment, kiddo?" Charlie asks and Nova sighs, "Do you want me to go back?"

"Don't you want to be with your family?"

Nova shakes her head, "It wasn't much of a family when I left. You're more of my family now then they have ever been."

Charlie hushed after that, contemplating the idea of it. She had been bringing out his happy side more. Was he ready to let all that go?

School had been busy for Nova. The copper head Cullen was absent for the past couple of days and his family had been eyeing Nova. Not that she felt flustered. She knew why now. He must've smelt her blood. Though it was a little strange that hers affected him so much compared to all the other blood bags surrounding him at school. Deaton had looked into the types of Night Walkers and figured out that these type were the Cold Ones. Nova had been intrigued by the idea of new supernaturals but she feared that supernaturals would only bring trouble to her.

As she walks into science class today, she notices the Cullen kid had returned to school. Avoiding the fan altogether, she walks to her seat and sits next to him gingerly. He glances at her, smiling softly and whispering, "Hello."

Nova sends him a blank stare as he continues, "I apologize for my behavior the other day. It was incredibly rude of me. My name is Edward Cullen."

Nova sighs before turning to him, a new thing startling her. For some reason, she could see a roll of waves wisping off of him. All a certain color, a nice golden.

"You are Nova?" He continues, prodding her to speak and when she does not, he sighs, "I guess you do not want to talk. I understand, I did make quite a nasty first impression."

"First impressions don't necessarily count unless you're trying to date someone." Nova says unmindfully as she prepares the equipment. Edward glances at her in surprise as she continues, "It's a shame that you were rude the first time. Perhaps you could've saved yourself some points. But don't worry, I'm too hard to please."

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