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Nova awakes to movement. Her body was shaking. Jerking up, she bangs her head on a ceiling. As she opens her eyes, she notices she was in Stiles's Jeep.

"Where are we?" She asks groggily and Scott turns to her with a smile, "Hey Sleeping Beauty. We are on our way to the woods to hunt down a werewolf."


"My dad is looking into the Malia Tate mystery. He thinks a werewolf attacked that night." Stiles fills her in and Nova rubs her eyes, "When did we leave Seattle?"

"A while ago. Like two hours? We are pretty close to California." Stiles says and Nova nods before leaning her head on Scott's seat, "Where are the others?"

"They're at school. We thought you would like to join us."

Nova nods before sliding back into her seat. Her eyes were drooping again and soon she fell back into a slumber.

In her dream, she saw fire all around her. Embracing her as butterflies flew around the flames, as if dancing with them.

"Careful, you'll burn." She scolds as the butterflies fly to her and land on her perfectly.

"They won't burn because they are a part of you." A voice says from next to her. Nova whips her head and gasps at the figure, "Who are you?"

"No one important as of now. But it seems you are almost ready to transition. We have been waiting for you to do so." The figure comes forward, hiding themselves in the shadows. Nova takes a hesitant step to the side and the fire follows her, not touching her, but licking at her like a kitten.

"The fire is too close." Nova whispers and the figure chuckles, "It won't hurt you. It's simply trying to get familiar with you."

"Are you insane?! If you don't know, fire can burn you." Nova snaps and the figure hums in response, "Not when the fire is you."

Nova thinks for a moment, scrunching her eyebrows, "Is that a metaphor for something?"

"No, it's simply a fact," the figure shrugs, "The fire needs you to trust it so that it can help to transition you. When you are ready, the fire will come home."

"Come home?" Nova says but the figure leaves and so does the fire until there's only an eerie cold in the air. Even her butterflies shudder under the temperature. Wrapping her arms around herself, she suddenly misses the warmth of the fire.


"So you're saying that Malia is in the body of the Coyote?" Nova asks as she sits on the lab table. Scott nods as he handles the tranquilizers carefully. Stiles and Isaac bicker as usual.

"How is Scott even going to get her back? No offense but he can't turn." Isaac says as Scott grimaces. They throw out ideas until Nova steps up, "I'll help him. I used to help him when he first transitioned. This should be no different."

"But he's an alpha now." Deaton says as Nova nods, "I know."

"Okay, let's do that." Stiles says and Nova smiles, "Great, let's start."

Nova stands in front of Scott, watching him try to bring out his werewolf. After much pushing and shoving, Nova hops off the table and approaches him.

"What's bothering you?"

The question threw him off, "It's just the open door in my heart."

"No, I know you," Nova pushes his hair out from his eyes, "There's something else."

Scott doesn't say anything, instead choosing to look elsewhere until she sighs, "I know things have been rocky between us. I'm only trying to help you. I don't know how long I'll be home. It has been so messy recently and I'm finally feeling at home again. Thanks to your crazy pack and most importantly, you."

Scott snaps his head up to her and he falters as she smiles brightly at him, "You remember when I used to train you? We would sit in front of each other in criss cross apple sauce."

Nova guides him and sits across from him, gathering his hands in hers, clasping at his wrists.

"This way, you can feel my heartbeat rather than just hear it. My natural scent is on my wrist too, it gave you a sense of home. Though I have no idea what I smell like," Nova pauses and Scott replies, "Jasmine."

Nova smiles softly before nodding, "And I would have you focus on what's important. That's you. You're important. Your pack is important. You've come so far, Scotty. From dorky, clumsy Scott to hot, tough Alpha. It's looking good on you."

Scott smirks at her words as she continues, "But you know the best part about you? Your heart. You're so caring and forgiving and kind. You want to help so many people. And you do! You've helped Jackson, you saved him. You helped Derek. You're helping Malia. Knowing you, you can control yourself. Believe in yourself because I believe in you. Believe because you know you're the shit."

Scott closes his eyes before opening them to reveal his red eyes as he roars to which Nova almost falls over but he keeps her steady. A little dazed, she nods, "Yup, that does it."

"Thank you." He hugs her and breathes in her scent as his heart matches her. She hugs tightly back, "Anytime, Scotty."

Scott rushes out to catch up with the others as Deaton walks back into the room. He looks at Nova as she smiles sweetly behind the boy. He knew that Nova had a tough journey in front of her. Especially after he found out more on her birth parents. Telling her later would prove fruitful, he thought. Not now with everything going on.

"You're his anchor, you know." Deaton says and Nova turns to him in confusion, "No, that's Allison."

"It's always been you. He just never noticed until recently. Allison wasn't the one who calmed him down every full moon. She wasn't the one who knew every movement before it happened. Every feeling's meaning. That wasn't Allison, that was you."

Nova thinks about it as Deaton pats her shoulder before he leaves her in her thoughts.

Is she really his anchor?

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