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A knock on the door startles Stiles as he trudges down the steps to grab some water. Sighing, he makes his way to the door and pulls it open before being taken back by an embrace from a sweet smell. Wrapping his arms around the person, he sighs sadly, "Welcome home, Ivy."

"Are you okay?" Ivy mumbles against his chest as he shakes his head, "No."

"She's gone," his voice cracks and he crumples to the ground with Ivy clinging to him, "I know, I know. Shhh, it's okay."

"It's my fault." Stiles cries and Ivy sits there, rocking him back and forth while humming, "It'll be okay, Stiles. You will be okay."

In another house, a similar hug sent comfort to a young true alpha whose heart had been shattered into a million pieces. He tried to save everyone, but he couldn't this time. Now, he feared the people he would lose.

"I couldn't keep everyone safe. I lost her." Scott sobs into his mom's arms. A soft whisper sends him whipping up, "She won't hold it against you."

"But I promised to keep her safe."

"You did your best, Scotty. And we all knew that."

He rushes into her open arms and holds her tight against him. Allison may have been his first love, but Nova was always the one to collect the pieces and mend him. Right now, he was glad she was here to help him.

"What are you doing here?" Scott asks once they settle down onto Derek's sofa in his loft. Derek passes Nova a cup of tea which she uses to warm her hands before looking at the boys. Ivy and her had managed to gather all the men into one room, including Sheriff Stilinski and Argent.

"Nova is in danger." Ivy says and Stiles nods, "When aren't any of us in danger?"

"Well is an army of new born bloodsuckers after you? I don't think so." Ivy snaps and Derek raises his eyebrows, "How big are we talking?"

"There's dozens added every day. Alice, Edward's adopted sister, has the power to foresee the future and she's watching the army being built." Nova explains and Scott shakes his head, "But why would they want you?"

"I pissed off a couple different vampires. I mean Edward killed Victoria's mate, and then I basically almost burned down the Volturi." Nova shrugs and Derek grunts, "I can never keep any of you still from doing something stupid."

Nova sips her tea and sinks further into the couch. Her days before were simpler. Less hectic. High school graduation was right around the corner, but she hadn't even the chance to think about her speech or her dress. Her life made sure that she didn't have a chance to worry about the human things.

"I'm graduating soon, and I don't have any of my shit together. None of it. My friends, the human ones, have already picked out colleges to go to. Me? I'm over here figuring out how to save my supernatural friends and I from being killed on a day to day basis," Nova takes a shaky breath as tears threaten to escape, "Allison has been stripped away from us because of this mess. How many more others will be taken? I came here to console you guys. Spread my comfort. But I'm going to be leaving here today with the chance of never seeing you guys again. Whether we win this battle or not, this will probably be one of the last times you still see me alive."

Derek furrows his eyebrows before asking, "What do you mean by that?"

"If this fight doesn't kill me, then maybe the bite will. If that doesn't, then I'll be living as a creature who won't be able to be around you guys."

"Wait, wait. You're gonna become a vampire?" Scott asks loudly and Nova jumps a little before shrugging, "We don't really know what the bite will do to my powers. Deaton thinks it's best for my body to reach my ultimate goal before I turn."

"Can we just backtrack a bit to the part where you say you want to get a bite from your freaking vampire boyfriend to turn into one of them?" Stiles waves his hands in a circle before squinting, "Please explain what's running through your head."

"Stiles, every time I die, I awaken as a new level of Phoenix. Deaton just informed me there's only five levels. I'm already on level three. I have two more deaths. Then what? Is my final death the fin? Or will I stay a bird my entire life? I can't take the chance of never being able to see him again. I love him."

"Aww, how cute," Stiles coos before turning serious, "You can't just think you're gonna die! Deaton also said you were immortal!"

"Well, personally, I don't think we can drag Nova to take our preferred path, but I can suggest to you that you really figure everything out before you dive into it." Sheriff Stilinski says while Stiles gawks at him.

"On that note, I'd like to say that Jacob has proposed to me." Ivy suddenly blurts out and both the Stilinski men turn to her in surprise, "What?"

"Not the time, Ivy," Nova groans as Ivy smiles nervously, "Oops."

It was a little after dark and Nova sits with her laptop, Skyping Edward.

"Hey baby," Edward smiles at her as the video connects. Nova smiles back warmly, "Hi, Love."

"How is Scott?"

Nova smiles bigger as she thanks Edward silently in her head for caring, "He's going through it. But he will be okay. It was his first love, and she's gone."

"I can understand. I wouldn't know what to do if I ever lost you."

Nova glances up through her lashes, "I'm your first love?"

Edward nods before clearing his throat, "Am I yours?"

Nova bites her bottom lip before shaking her head, "No?"

Edward studies her carefully before nodding, "But there's no one else right now?"

"Just you."


"Edward?" Nova asks as the other looks back up at her through the screen. He nods for her to continue.

"If the last stage doesn't kill me, would you still be with me?"

"Of course," Edward answers instantaneously.



"I love you."

Edward smiles softly, a small clearing of his throat he looks back up at her, "I love you, Nova Hale."

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