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It had been a few days, and Edward had noticed Nova glowing. Though they had been having long nights, every night, she looked like she was well rested. He looked down at her resting now and thought he could leave her for a moment to go hunt. He had needed to for a while now, and he knew if he didn't now, he would have a hard time later that night. His throat felt like coals were being forced down it, and he knew his eyes were probably as dark as the black hole. 

Nova wakes up to a strange feeling within her, and she narrows her eyes as she opens them against the bright light. She does not usually feel this sort of hunger, almost as if she was famished. Nevertheless, she listens to her body, pulling herself out of the bed and into the shower. As she steps under the warm water, a sigh of content leaves her. The water felt like a warm embrace, and she stands there not moving for a moment. Lately, she had been feeling anything but sad or worried. She knew how much would await her when they got home, the path she would want to take as the Phoenix Queen or one of the Blue Phoenixes. It was all too much, so she had decided to worry about it only when she returned from this honeymoon. 

After a nice, relaxing shower, Nova heads over to the kitchen, aimlessly perusing through the pantry to find some food. She smiles brightly as she eyes the coconut milk in a can on the middle shelf. Her finger guides her eyes through the other shelves landing on the dried dill before cheering in delight and going to find some rice. 

She hadn't made this recipe in quite a while, and she was excited to make it. Her arms pause as she opens the coconut milk can, a thought crossing her mind. She had told herself as a preteen that she would make this exact dish for her future family so they can marvel over how beautifully the flavors blend together. Chuckling to herself, she realizes that to Edward, nothing will taste quite like the blood of a mountain lion.

As she dances around the kitchen, humming to herself, the feeling of uneasiness approaches her again. Her feet stumble as she feels her stomach flipping inside and instantly, she turns off the stove to run to the bathroom.

Edward had just walked in as she slams the door to the bathroom, making him wonder why she had suddenly dashed off. Had there been something in the food last night?

"Nova, are you alright?" His voice comes near as the door creaks open only for him to look at her worried as she retches into the toilet. She lets him rub her back gently, finding no energy to stop him and push him away. She even lets him clean her chin up as he shushes her from saying anything, "Let me take care of you."

Not saying a word, she goes through her bag of medicine when her eyes land on the purple wrapper and she pauses. 

"Edward... How many days has it been since..." She pauses again before she looks at him gauging his expression before shaking her head, "Since we came here?"

"About ten, why?"

She brushes her hair back and ponders whether she should lay her suspicions out to him. But wouldn't he panic? She thinks back for a minute to what Carlisle had explained to her a while back about how they feel about vampire children. But surely, it couldn't be... Then again, she was definitely sure that she felt... Nova shakes her head and searches for her phone, dialing a number she knew by heart.

"Nova? Aren't you still on your honeymoon?" The familiar voice asks as a hiss is heard from the background followed by a thump.

"Deaton, do you remember what Maestre said... About the next steps and the..." Nova pauses as she looks at Edward and smiles softly, "Could we have a minute?"

Edward looks at her confused before nodding, "I'll just go to the market in town for a restock of-"

"Actually, could you arrange a flight back home please? I just remembered that I need to be back home for Scott's next plan."

Edward takes a long look at her, unsure of why she was acting so rushed when just last night she had wished to stay much longer. Had he said something wrong? Was it because of how she felt now?

"Sure, love, I'll go inform them." Edward nods curtly before heading out. Nova waits until she hears the boat leave the island and then whispers, "About the next of kin."

"Well, in order for that to happen, you need to be pregnant-"

"Deaton, I'm late."

"Late for what?" A familiar voice pipes up and Nova rolls her eyes, "For my period, idiot."


"Stiles! Now is not the time for you to freak out," Deaton pushes him aside before charging a bunch of routine questions to Nova as she answers back calmly.

"So, explain to me how frozen in time lover boy has magically implanted his... seed into her?" Stiles can be heard in the background as Deaton answers, "I mean.. It's not completely impossible? He may be immortal in a certain extent, but is he really frozen? I don't think so, then he wouldn't need blood to survive because he wouldn't feel hungry. Therefore, I don't believe he necessarily froze..."

Nova face palms as the two theorize together in the background before gasping as she feels her stomach lurch. It was as if, the little bean growing inside of her was announcing its presence. Smiling gently, Nova pats her flat stomach, "Guess the prophecy wasn't all wrong. Hope you make it out alive, bean. We got a lot to do."

"Are you telling lover boy?"

"No," the answer was simple and clear, but both the men on the other line glance at each other in concern, "What do you mean?"

"If he knows, he will freak out. I am going to be keep it hidden for a while. At least until we are back in Forks and I have spoken to Carlisle. Because if what I think is going to happen once he knows, we will need a lot of support to keep the little birdy alive."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30 ⏰

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