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"Welcome home!" Charlie sings as they enter the mid size suburban house. Nova takes in the wooden floor and the small foyer which leads to a wooden, narrow staircase. Well, much narrower than Scott's or even her old home's. She walks around the living room, taking in the forest colored room and the newly cleaned coffee table that shined with the amount of wood polish Charlie put on it.

"Nice size house. You live alone?" Nova clarifies and Charlie nods once, "Yes, well, Renee, my ex wife, she moved out with Bella years ago. Bella visited when she was eight. Haven't seen her since then."

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that." Nova frowns and Charlie shakes his head, "No worries. How about you set up your stuff in Bella's room? Or you can have the guest room but I haven't cleaned that out in ages."

"I'll take Bella's for now." Nova smiles before being guided to the quaint room upstairs. The black and purple bedsheets invited her to sink into the soft bed. It took up most of the room, only leaving space for a desk, a small bookshelf, and a chest of drawers. A door led to a small closet where some clothes were hung.

"I got you some clothes at the mall the other day. Thought it would fit." Charlie scratches his head in embarrassment but soon smiled as Nova nods excitedly, "Oh, thank you, Chief Swan!"

"Call me Charlie."

Nova grins at him, "Okay, Charlie. Thank you. I appreciate all your kindness."

"I'll let you settle in. Does fried fish sound good for dinner?" Charlie starts to step out before nodding again when Nova signals it was fine.

A buzz makes Nova jump and she reaches into her pocket to find her phone. It had just turned on. Confused, she realized perhaps Charlie had helped her charge it. She unlocks the phone and groans at the amount of missed calls and texts from everyone. Quickly, she turns off her location. She definitely wanted nothing to do with Beacon Hills right now.

Settling into the desk, she looks around the room and smiles. Perhaps, this could be a new beginning for her.


The day at school had been going well. Nova had a little difficulty explaining why her last name had been Swan even though she wasn't one. And also she kept having to correct people who thought her to be Bella, Chief Swan's actual daughter.

Nova had pulled her up halfway through the day, letting it rest on top of her head in a messy bun. Already, she made a couple of friends, and a couple of admirers. She slides into a chair at the lunch table with two of her new friends, Jess and Angela.

"What's it like having your memory gone?" Jess asks out of the blue though it was not odd for the ditzy girl to ask such a question.

Nova ponders before smiling, "Actually, it's quite pleasant."

"Studies say that if you have a traumatic past then the brain uses memory loss as a means of stopping it from haunting you." Angela shrugs and Nova smiles at her, "that's interesting."

A sudden butterfly flies past their lunch table, catching Nova's attention. It's wings were bright gold and easily reflective in the light. It disappears through a door that opens to the lunchroom as a couple of students walk in. Nova does a double take when she sees them. They looked unnatural with their pale skin and matching golden eyes. Before she could ask questions, Jess was already introducing them, "Oh, you've spotted the Cullens."

"As in Dr. Cullen?" Nova interrupts and Jess scowls before continuing, "Yes. He and his wife adopted them. But they're all together. Like together, together. There's Rosalie and Emmett."

Nova nods as Jess points out the prettiest one and the biggest one.

"Then Alice with the pixie cut, and Jasper who looks like he's in pain all the time."

"That's not nice." Nova says and Jess shrugs, "it's true! And of course, there's Edward Cullen."

Nova glances up from her chocolate milk to see a young man with copper toned hair. His eyes glance at hers for a second too short. The impeccable outline of him made her sit up straighter. However odd they looked, Nova felt close to them. She couldn't describe the intense feeling, but inside her, she knew they would be in her life somehow.

Suddenly she sees a bunch of those same butterflies cluster around the Cullens. She stares at the center of their table intently, wondering why the butterflies were so keen on sitting there.

"Nova... Nova!" Jess shouts and Nova breaks away from the butterflies to glance at her friend, "What?"

"The trauma must have been real messed up for her to be this out of it," Jess whispers to Angela before signaling the almost empty cafeteria, "Lunch is over."

"Oh I'm sorry. Let's go." Nova grabs her stuff and tosses it in the trash before walking out, completely aware of the five pair of eyes following her out the door.

"Class, this is Nova Swan. She will be joining us for the semester. Please be polite and nice to her." The teacher says to everyone after Nova walks in. As she walks past the fan, she notices a Cullen in her class. He seems to be stiff and glaring at her. She glances around before noticing the fan. Could it be she smelled bad? She thought she put on perfume before coming to school. Shrugging, she makes her way to her seat.

"Hello." She nods at him and he simply glares back. Nova whistles lowly before nodding, "Okay then. Guess you don't talk much."

He just gulps before looking away and anywhere but at her. Being the clumsy person she is, Nova drops her pencil right next to his chair. She and him both glance at it before looking at each other. He quickly swipes it up before dropping it onto her open hand.

"Thank you." She whispers before writing down the assignment.

As soon as the bell rings, the Cullen bolts out of the room in a hurry. Though the speed with which he left almost matched that of someone else she knew.

"Hey, Nova, you wanna come over after class?" Jess asks her as they put away their stuff in their lockers. Nova shakes her head, "I have to grab some groceries anyways. And I might make a few phone calls to see if I remember anyone. Thanks, though."

Jess smiles and waves before leaving Nova. As Nova slides into a seat on the bus, she pulls out her phone and looks up the person's number. As the bus approaches Charlie's neighborhood, she gets off and heads to the house.

There, a note awaits her.

Hey kiddo, got you a burner phone for now. Didn't know if you had service or not on your old one. Given you lost your memory didn't know if it was good to use that thing. We can get you another one later.

Be home by six.

Nova smiles at his thoughtfulness before grabbing the burner and turning it on. She already saw his number saved in it. Quickly she types in the other number and presses call.


Taking a deep breath, she whispers, "Deaton? I have a favor to ask."

"Nova?! Where the hell are you?"

"I'm somewhere else."

"Derek has been worried sick. Everyone has been."

Nova sighs, "Don't tell anyone, please. Don't tell them I've contacted you."

Deaton pauses before saying, "Okay. I won't. Just promise me you'll be safe."

"I will," Nova smiles before saying, "Now, what can you tell me of night walkers?"

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