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"This place looks great." Ivy nods at the bedroom she was gonna share with Bella. Derek sent her over with Isaac to stay close to Nova and keep an eye on her. She arrived shortly after Nova and Edward got back, Charlie unbeknownst to everything, just glad to have them home safe.

"Edward keeps giving you the googly eyes. What gives?" Isaac mutters next to Nova as she washes the dishes after dinner. She rolls her eyes back before saying, "He said I love you."


"Yeah, and he left once before because of a stupid ass reason. I just don't know what to do. I don't know what to respond with." Nova wipes the dish in front of her before handing it to Isaac to put up who speaks as he does so, "Well, don't you love him?"

"Yeah, well, what if he leaves again? What if he gets hurt by me? What about Scott?" Nova turns to Isaac as she dries her hands on the dish towel. Isaac grimaces before saying, "You know he's head over heels for you. Edward is your one true love, remember? You're Scott's anchor, doesn't mean you have to be his mate."

Nova thinks it through as Isaac pats her shoulder before pushing past an observant Edward who walks in, "Hey."

"Hi." Nova replies as he digs his hands into his pockets, "That was something you did today. Guess you'll be keeping the Volturi away for a while."


"I'm sorry for leaving Nova. I didn't mean for it to hurt you like it did. I thought you would get over it or see that I was doing it for your best. I didn't realize that by doing so would put you in danger. Not that you need anyone to protect you at this point."

"Like I said, I want to protect you sometimes too. But, you're going to have to give me some time. You broke me. I needed a lot of strength to get back to how I was. I needed you. I needed you to be the strong point of us. But right now, I need you to keep a space. Don't leave, just give me some space is all." Nova says and Edward frowns, "I'm sorry."

"It's okay, Edward. Just let me be strong once again before I let you in again. I don't want to shatter if you choose to leave again." Nova whispers before leaving the kitchen, "I'm going to bed, everyone. Good night!"

Edward stood there, frozen. This definitely was not what he was expecting and he didn't even know what to expect as of this moment. All he knew was that he was going to get her back.

"Mr. Argent needs me back to go get something from a.. yakuza boss." Isaac whispers the last part to Nova who sits sunbathing in the forest clearing. Ivy turns to them and sighs, "Already backing out."

"I'm not! They just called for me." Isaac exclaims as Ivy tsks, "Running back to Allison."

"Who's Allison?" Bella asks and Jacob grunts, "The girl who was all up on him at the club. The brunette, remember?"

"There was a girl all up on him?" Bella asks completely clueless as Isaac pouts next to her, "Guys, I'll be back soon."

"You think I should go with? You know, I heard Stiles isn't doing so good." Nova says before Ivy clamps her mouth shut and jabs a finger in her face, "You're just avoiding talking to Edward."

"Hasn't he apologized a million times already?" Jacob quirks an eyebrow at Nova who groans, "Yes, but guys it's not easy."

"Yeah, cuz you got Stiles and Scott, too." Isaac points out as Bella adds, "More Scott, though. Because Stiles was one kiss. Scott's got moments."

"All I see that Edward has is mistakes." Ivy grumbles only to grunt when Nova thwacks her on the side, "Jesus! Ouch!"

"Careful, she's still human." Jacob scowls at Nova as he cuddles Ivy closer. He rubs her side comfortingly and whispers softly to her to which she nods with a pout before smiling when he kisses her temple.

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