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Nova stands at the base of the stairs, peering over the rail to see Charlie cleaning his rifle. Oh boy, this totally was not a good time to ask. Stepping down carefully, she walks up to him, Charlie smiling over at her, "Hey kiddo."

"Charlie, I wanted to let you know that I'm going out with a friend this afternoon." Nova says carefully and Charlie grins, "With the girls?"

Nova shakes her head, "With Edward Cullen and his family."

Charlie's smile falters but he shrugs, "Alright. What are y'all doing? A project?"

"No," Nova takes a deep breath before whispering, "It's more of a date?"

"A date?" Charlie scrunches his eyebrows just as the door opens and a feminine voice shouts out, "Hey, Charlie! I'm here."

"Crap," Charlie mutters before pointing at Nova, "You wait. We need to have a talk."

Nova bites her lip nervously, nodding before turning to see a brunette walk in. The girl stops and falters in her step upon seeing Nova.

"Who's that?" She asks bluntly as Nova raises an eyebrow at her direct question. Charlie scratches his neck before saying, "Bells, thought you'd be coming in tomorrow."

"Well, Mom got me an earlier flight since she had to leave." The girl shrugs, not taking her eyes off Nova who stands there quietly.

"This is Nova. She will be staying with us for a while," Charlie introduces them, "Nova, this is my daughter, Bella."

"Hi, it's nice to meet you," Nova smiles warmly at the girl who nods back, "You too."

"Well, then. You can go ahead and unpack in your room. Nova and I were talking about something, so I'll get back to you soon." Charlie says before walking back into the living room. Nova looks on confused as she didn't even see them embrace or anything. At her confusion, Bella says, "My dad isn't really that affectionate. Haven't seen him in years."

"I see." Nova says, even though, Charlie was plenty affectionate in his own fatherly way.

Nova joins Charlie in the living room and sighs, "He's right outside."



Charlie nods before cocking his gun, "Bring him in."

"Charlie," Nova warns lightly to which he draws a halo on top of his head before grunting as she brings in someone.

"Hello Chief Swan. It's nice to meet you." A polite Edward says from in front of Nova.

"Right. You too, Eduardo. What is it you two plan on doing?" Charlie says while taking a sip of his beer. Edward smiles softly, "Playing baseball, sir. With my family."

"Alright," Charlie chuckles, "Just keep her safe. She's very precious."

"Yes, sir." Edward says as he glances at the girl behind him. A girl full of wonder and mystery, and all his.

"Be home by ten." Charlie says and as the duo leave, footsteps scamper down the stairs.

"Oh, hi." Bella swallows hard as she lays her eyes on Edward, who just glances at her before looking back at Nova, "Hey."

"Who's that?" Bella asks Nova and Edward responds, "I'm her boyfriend."

"Boyfriend?!" Charlie barrels through the room and points a finger at Edward, "It's one date. You can't go around making assumptions."

"Well, Charlie, technically this is our second date." Nova says and Charlie grunts, "Fine. We'll see."

Giggling, Nova kisses Charlie in the cheek as a good bye before waving to Bella. Edward follows after her and helps her into the Jeep.

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