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The past two months were calm, to say the least. With the wedding around the corner, Nova had nothing else to worry about. Deaton and Maestre, on the other hand, had plenty to fuss over. Would Edward be able to give her kin? Should one of the wolves volunteer? Would it be better for a human? Or shall they find a Phoenix? While the gang in California focused on ways to help Nova's transition, the Forks gang focused on ensuring the wedding of the century was going to be epic. 

"Cream or Beige?" Alice asks Rosalie who sighs, "I was going to suggest Alabaster."

"They're all shades of white! Just pick one!" Emmett groans before hushing as both glare at him.

Edward sits by the window and smiles at them before sighing softly. Though he had seen Nova frequently, something about her demeanor didn't seem the same. Though she had told him that it was because of her transformation, he didn't understand. What could have happened for her to change so drastically? Her eyes that were once a beautiful, creamy chocolate, now a toasted, butterscotch color. Her soft, round face that had delicate features, now seemed a lot more mature. 

"Edward, do you have a minute?" A familiar voice pulls him from his thoughts, and he turns to see none other than Scott. 

Edward nods and follows him out. Though the wolf pack was here to help with the wedding, they seemed on edge more than usual. Scott sits on a rock and smiles softly at Edward, "I know you feel as though everything seems different. I just want you to know that no matter how many times Nova changes, she's still herself. As much as she seems different to us, she knows she is different. She can see her reflection in our eyes, she sees the slight hesitance we offer her every time she goes through a transformation. She feels the twinge of hurt each time she sees you flinch at her new eyes."

Edward looks down at his words, but Scott continues, "I'm not saying this to make you feel bad. I just want you to know that being her partner is more than sweet kisses and soft touches. You need to help her through her changes. She's the one dying endlessly through these changes. She's the one reawakening to a new her, one that she has no idea what to do with. One that she feels isn't the same familiarity everyone knows. I need to know if you can be the constant for her so she doesn't lose herself completely."

Scott looks at Edward, and Edward could tell how much this hurt him to say. In front of him sat a boy who had to grow up too soon, not for himself, but for his friends and family. He saw a young man who knew that if he needed to step up, he would. 

"I can be the constant. After all, I have been the same for the past century." Edward smirks, but Scott simply smiles, "Well, as of recently, you have changed from being a bachelor to an almost married man."

After that conversation, Edward had tried his best to be more present. He did not know why Scott seemed so careful around Nova, but he knew that if he did not try to accept Nova in any way she came, then he would lose the best thing that had happened to him. 

August 13

"Nova, don't you think your dress is a little revealing?" Stiles says as he scrutinizes it from behind her as she does her touch ups. Lydia rolls her eyes at him and helps her adjust her corset, "Stiles, the dress is beautiful."

"It covers only the main parts of her, just barely! I mean is this her honeymoon outfit and wedding dress all in one?" 

Alice pushes him gently out and tells him, "Get Charlie ready, he needs to walk her alongside Derek."

"Charlie will not approve of this-" Stiles's voice gets cut off by the door being slammed in his face.

Rosalie takes a good look at Nova who stands there silently. Something seemed off about the girl since she came back. She was more timid, more quiet, and less lively. Almost like she was scared to scare them away. But how could she? She was more than just Rosalie's new sister in law, she was one of her closest friends. 

"Nova, are you alright?" Rosalie whispers as she touches her shoulder lightly. Nova looks up at her with a small twinkle in her eye, "Yes, I am fine."

"Are you ready to marry our brother?" Alice asks in excitement, and Nova giggles softly, a sound neither of them had heard in a while.

"More than ready," Nova says, and for the first time in weeks, she smiles genuinely at them, "I'm also more than ready to be your new sister."

Ivy sat at the piano, playing it softly as everyone danced around her. She smiled at her best friend who twirled around with Charlie for the father daughter dance. Though she knew that Charlie was the closest to a father figure, she wished Nova had her real parents here tonight. The gang and her were trying to find her parents. To help her reunite with them. Maybe find more answers. 

As she ends the song, Nova comes over and sits next to her on the bench, leaning her head on her shoulder, "Ivy, will you miss me?"

"Of course, I will."

"Nova, come meet our cousins from Alaska." Edward cuts in and pulls his new wife up before waving at Ivy.

Ivy sighs and watches them interact with others before she senses someone staring at her. Turning her head, she sees her mate, Jacob. He waves at her before walking to her, "Love, won't you come and dance with me?"

Nodding, she takes his hand and lets him glide her to the dance floor. As she looks up at him, she knew one thing for sure. Even if it took forever to find Nova's family, she would have forever with this family around her. Somehow, that made Ivy feel reassured more than ever. 

Edward awaited his love at the shallow waters. She had gone in for a quick refresh from the long flight, and though she didn't need it, she insisted. He smiles as he feels arms wrap around his waist. Turning around, he reaches down to lift Nova by the backs of her thighs. She wraps her legs around his waist as her hands play with the hair at the nape of his neck before placing her soft lips on his.

As her warm lips move against his in a soft and gentle manner, his hands roam her body in wonder. He had never felt her skin like this, and it was all new to him. Her body felt like an unexplored map, and he wanted to be the first to discover all the different curves.

Nova places soft kisses against his neck and blushes as she hears soft groans come from his lips.

"I don't think I'll be able to hold back tonight," Edward breathes out and Nova smiles at him, "Then, don't."

It only took seconds for them to reach their bedroom, but the night would seem longer than ever.

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