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"Favorite show?"

"I love Lucy."

Edward pauses and looks at Nova before chuckling as she looks up at him in confusion, "What?"

"Your favorite show is that?"

"Yes! Lucy is the funniest person I've seen!"

Edward nods, "Okay, okay. What about favorite food?"

"Ooh. I will have to go with mushroom Swiss burger. It has all my favorite things. Mushrooms, beef and mayonnaise." Nova smiles dreamily before nodding to Edward, "And you?"

"Mmm, lion," Edward replies and Nova says under her breath, "Besides me, of course."

"Well, I haven't tasted you to know." Edward points out and it sends Nova into a thought process. If she were a vampire like him, she would be near indestructible. She wouldn't be the weak Hale sister who follows butterflies anymore. She wouldn't be the weird one.

"Nova," Edward says softly, and she keeps staying quiet so he kisses her lips. She immediately responds and starts to suck at his bottom lip for entrance. He opens his mouth cautiously and she slips in her tongue. He grabs her chin and kisses her with more force and want. Nova clutches onto his shirt as she feels air leave her body slowly. In seconds, she is void of feeling. Opening her eyes, she sees Edward breathing hard with dark eyes on the other side of her room, leaving her cold without him.

"Why are your-"

"I keep forgetting you're still human and fragile," Edward growls lowly, his eyes darkening every minute, "Your blood is calling to me. It's taking everything in me not to sink my teeth into you."

"Ooh. Kinky." Nova smirks and laughs as Edward huffs, "This is no joke! I could kill you."

"Then, why not just turn me?" She had said it so quietly that even Edward wondered if he heard right. Nova looks up at him sadly, "Everyone I've ever been around. The Hales, you and your family, my best friends. They've all been stronger and more safe because they're supernatural. Maybe if you turn me or Carlisle turns me, like he did all of you, I can be strong, too."

Edward glares at her for a long time before spitting out, "You want to be a monster!"

"No, I just want to be stronger and more able to take care of myself." Nova tries to explain but Edward wouldn't listen, "So what, are you with me because you just want to turn?"

Nova hushes and lets Edward ramble on and on. As he goes on and on about how being a vampire is hell and there's eternal damnation, Nova sees a butterfly fly into the room. Its opalescent wings flutter and land on her hand. Suddenly the room around her disappears and she's in the woods. As she follows the butterfly out, she notices a group of nomadic people leave quietly and quickly. She hurries on to the docks where she sees someone else, following the butterfly's lead. As Nova nears the boat, her stomach churns at the sight. A dead fisherman lay on the boat, his neck bleeding heavily, his eyes glassy and dull like a doll's.

The scream happens on its own, though in her vision it was silent. However where her body lay in her bed, the scream was very loud. Ear piercing for a vampire especially. Edward stops his rant and looks at Nova who is screaming with everything inside of her, yet the sound doesn't sound human like. It's more sinister, more shrill.

Charlie rushes in with Billy just as Edward makes it out of the room. Billy can smell Edward's stench but he knew something else caused the girl's scream as he had been smelling Edward for a while now. Billy grasps Nova's hand and tells Charlie to bring in some cold water.

As Charlie rushes away, Billy now sees why the girl seemed so special and why her scent was off. She was a descendant of the wailing woman. Unbeknownst to everyone else, this young lady is far more than normal.

"Here's the water!" Charlie hands the glass to Billy who dumps it on Nova, snapping her out of her screams.

"Nova, what is it?" Billy asks once she breathes in sharply. She looks at him with wide eyes and opens her mouth, "He's dead. They killed him. Three of them. They tore into his neck."

Charlie raises an eyebrow, "Who? What?"

"That guy at the diner. Who stopped by to say hi. They killed him. He's in a boat." Nova says quickly and Charlie wastes no time in rushing out of the house. He knew not if Nova was right, but he had a chilling feeling that she knew exactly what she was talking about.

Nova looks around her room in awe before turning to Billy, "I did it again, didn't I? I had my night terror."

"You seemed perfectly awake to me." Billy says and Nova moans, "No, they stopped this. Why is it coming back?"

"It's not meant to stop. It's your gift," Billy explains as Nova looks at him confused, "You are a descendant of the wailing woman. Otherwise known as-"

"A banshee."

Billy nods, "You've been doing research."

"Yes, I bought a book from Seattle. It has all these creatures in it. Did you know there was different types of shapeshifters- wait, how do you know all this?" Nova turns to Billy and he chuckles, "You haven't looked at the picture yet. Go ahead look at it."

Nova takes out the photo and gasps. There were two wolves, one huge one and one small and black. She knew the darker one to be Talia from seeing her turn into one all the time, but the bigger one seemed like a monster size. Standing in between them was Deaton.

"Who is- this is you?!" Nova asks in wonder and Billy nods, "Your mother, Talia, was actually from our tribe. Well, her mother was from our tribe. She carried the gene of becoming a wolf and passed it onto Talia. Since Talia's father was already a werewolf, she evolved to a wolf. Our tribe are shapeshifters. We shape-shift to wolves. Now, I can't really tell you all this, but I am telling you because you're technically family."

Nova raises her eyebrows in surprise, "Wow. I never knew. Why is Deaton there?"

"That is her husband, no?"

"No, that is-" Nova pauses and remembers all the times he acted more like a guardian to them. Even as children, they knew to turn to him for trouble. Perhaps, he and Talia held a deeper love than known.

Billy quietens as Charlie rushes back in, "You were right. They found a body by the docks. His body was drained of all blood."

Nova gasps and Billy nods, "You go, I'll send Jacob to protect her."

"No, no, don't trouble him. He is busy with homework. I'll go stay at a friend's." Nova says as she packs up her things into an overnight bag. Charlie watches her before nodding, "Okay, then. But tomorrow me and you are gonna have a talk."

"Be careful, little one. Some borders are not meant to cross. You are family to the Quilettes. Don't mix with the wrong crowd." Billy warns before rolling away with Charlie.

Sighing, Nova zips up her bag and grabs a jacket before heading out to wait for Jess.

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