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"A freaking Phoenix? What even is that?" Stiles asks as they gather around Deaton's lab. Nova sits on Derek's lap, her body frail and constantly burning.

"It's based off a bird. A flaming bird. It can combust things with just a look. Basically anything to do with fire, is her. But, that's not the interesting part," Deaton says and Stiles gawks, "Really? What is?"

"She's immortal."

"Immortal? She just combusted into flames and then sat back up. She died and then came back."

"Stiles, she's immortal in the sense that each time she dies, she is reborn or brought back to life. She can't actually die. The fire rebirths her in a way." Deaton explains and Derek kisses her temple softly before hugging her tightly to him. He was terrified of losing one of the only people left in his family. Especially this girl who gave him earnest respect and love.

"So is she alright now?" Ivy pipes up from next to Scott. Before Deaton could respond, the front door's bells signals a client. He moves to the front and asks, "How may I help you?"

"I'm looking for Nova." A light voice asks but it makes Nova's heart freeze. Derek looks down at her as she shrugs off the blanket and clambers out to the front, nearly falling over Stiles.


"Nova, you're alive."

The two stare at one another until Derek comes up behind Nova, "What's going on?"

"Nova, I thought you were dead. I saw you get stabbed and then burst into flames." Alice whispers and Nova sighs, "I think you need to come inside."

"So you're telling me that you're fine? How could you say that when I saw you?" Alice says as they give her some fake story about it being for a film project at school.

"Alice, some things I just can't tell you right now. You didn't tell him, did you?" Nova looks at the pale skinned vampire who bites her lips, "Well, I didn't."

A phone call makes Stiles jump before he picks up the call, "Hello? Oh, one moment."

He hands the phone to Nova who answers, "Yes?"

"It's me, Bella. Jacob accidentally told Edward that you're dead."

"What?!" Nova jumps up and Alice blanks out before understanding comes into her eyes.

"We need to go now." Alice says as Nova hangs up the phone and grabs her phone and purse, "Yes."

"Where are you going?" Scott stops her as she passes him.

"He's gonna go to the Volturi, Scott. He's gonna kill himself, I have to stop him." Nova exclaims and Scott looks between all of them before nodding, "Be safe. I'll send Isaac and Ivy over to check on Bella and Jacob in the meantime."

"Thank you," Nova smiles before kissing his cheek and hugging him tightly. She turns to Derek before grinning, "I'll be back soon, bro."

"Be safe, little one." Derek smiles before kissing her head and letting her hug her friends.

"Don't burn anyone down." Lydia giggles as she squeezes her friend's hand affectionately. Even Kira hugs the girl as she rushes away.

"Let's go." She says as she shuts the car door.

"This boy wants to break up with my ass then make my ass run to save his. Got me messed up." Nova grumbles as she rushes through the busy narrow alleys of Volterra. Tripping over a step, she catches herself from falling before coming to a square right under the bell tower. Her eyes look around frantically before landing on a porcelain being walking towards the door. Edward.

Nova jumps into the water fountain and jumps out before jumping onto Edward's topless body. Clinging on to him like a monkey, she starts hissing, "You better get yo ass in this building before I burn it right now. Open your damn eyes, you little over dramatic piece of shit."

"Nova? Am I in heaven?" Edward opens his eyes and peeps before ducking as Nova swats his head, "No, but I'm about to burn your ass before you even think about going to hell."

He grabs her and pulls her inside the building, holding her tightly to him as she gasps for breath. As she clutches her stomach and slides off him, she pants, "I'm alive. Alive, I think. Gosh, it's so hot here. Breathe, Nova. Breathe."

"You're alive." Edward smiles widely and Nova nods before gulping the air, "Oh yeah. Ta dah! Here I am, oops!"

She stumbles a little when she does jazz hands and Edward catches her as she pushes herself slightly up, "I just wanted to-to show you that I'm alive. I didn't want you to think I was stupid enough to kill my self... I can let you go now."

"No," Edward rushes out while bringing her close to him, "You'll never have to let me go again. It hurts too much."

"But you said-"

"You believed me so easily. Did you really think I didn't want you?"

Nova rolls her eyes, "YES!"

"Nova, I love you. I cannot live in a world where you don't exist. I did all that to protect you. But it did more harm than good." Edward whispers before leaning into kiss Nova who freezes as his lips move against hers. She kisses back, feeling her heart widen with love for him, but she also had a nagging feeling which made her push him away.

"Why did you think leaving me was the best option when I was also-"

"Aro would like to see you, now." A voice makes her jump as she turns to see two more vampires with bright red eyes standing behind them. Edward goes to let Nova leave but she stays put, "I'm not leaving."

"The girl stays." One of them says and before anyone else could comment, a shorter girl comes down the hall, "Aro sent me to see what's taking so long."

Alice joins as well and they all follow the sinister vampires down to the throne room. Nova admires the artwork on the walls as she walks in before jumping at the sight of Aro, "Ugh, someone needs a haircut."

Alice stifles a giggle as all the vampires look at Nova in surprise.

"Ah, Nova is alive after all." Aro says as he comes up to Edward to clasp his hand before saying, "I wonder."

He puts out his hand to Nova who cautiously gives her hand to him. In a few minutes, he grins in a curious way, "I wonder who's else's gifts you could be immune to. Jane?"

Edward goes to stop and instead cripples in pain as Nova pushes, "Wait, stop, do it to me."

Jane stops and turns to Nova smiling slightly until she starts frowning as Aro speaks, "Incredible."

"Doesn't matter, brother. She knows too much."

"Wait, I've seen her turn." Alice exclaims as Nova raises her eyebrow, "Wait a minute, you're scared that I might tell someone, right?"

"You're a threat." Caius says as Nova smirks, "You're right, I am a threat, but not in the way you may think."

Nova looks down before breathing out, she turns up and flashes her red eyes before screeching out as the vampires groaned from the sound. Nova turns to Jane before sending the girl into screams. Jane jumps in pain before rolling on the ground in an attempt to stop the burning.

"Let us go before I roast your little weapon to vampire soup." Nova growls at Aro who gulps, "Alright, you may go. But you better be a vampire soon. We will be waiting."

"What the hell was that?" Alice hisses as Nova shrugs, "You guys missed a lot."

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