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Nova jumps off of the bike once again as the boy parks in his usual spot. Right next to him pulls up a fancy car that only belonged to one person. Nova passes the car without a care, not focused on who was driving until a voice stopped her, "Really? My first day back and my best friend in the whole world ignores me?"

With a gasp, Nova whips around to spot Lydia standing in front of her with hands on her curvy hips. A grin escapes the girls as they wrap each other in a tight hug.

"Lydia," Nova's voice was hoarse from not speaking for days, and Lydia notices, "Nova, have you been not speaking again?"

"She stopped since you've been at the hospital." Scott says from behind them and Lydia gives Nova a stern look, "You really shouldn't do that."

"I was in shock." Nova shrugs and Lydia thumps her lightly on the head, "Well, I'm back so talk."

Nova waves goodbye to Scott as she follows Lydia into the school. Smiling at Allison who joins them at the stairs.

"Finally, you're back and now, Nova can speak." Allison nudges the girl who rolls her eyes.

"Nova, what are you doing here?" The voice snaps the girl out of her day dream and she jumps at the darkness surrounding her. Looking up, she sees her brother and her friend peer over at her. Scott lends her a hand to pull her off the floor.

"They led me here." She whispers and Derek freezes, "what do you mean?"

"The butterflies, they led me here." She says louder this time, pointing at a beautiful lavender butterfly that rested upon the windowsill of the abandoned kitchen. Derek and Scott glance at the window before looking at each other, "She's doing it again."

"Nova, we can't see what you see, honey," Derek places a hand on her shoulder in comfort, "Plus, I told you to stay home and stay safe."

"Derek, I see pain." Nova says bluntly before moving towards the basement door. Scott silently pads after her, watching her take in the atmosphere of the basement, one step at a time.

"I smell it. Struggle, pain, fear." Scott says and wanders around the room until he hears a loud thump. Sprinting into action, he notices Nova had opened the freezer. Claw marks were all over it, except they looked like a human had done it. Nova's dark hair shrouds her face as she grips onto the container until her knuckles turn white. She could feel Derek trying to pull her off, but her body wasn't there. She wasn't there.

"Isaac, what do I do with you?" A gruff voice says in a sinister tone as whimpers can be heard. Nova stumbles a little at the sight around her. The container was open and the man with the gruff voice was whipping a chain into it. Each stroke ended with a whimper.

"Stop." She says and the man looks up at her, "Who said that?"

"I said stop!" She yells and the man flies back, hitting the wooden wall and collapsing onto the floor in an unusual manner. Nova rushes to the box to see a bruised Isaac, crying blood.

"Let me help you."


"NOVA!" Derek bellows, snapping her out of her vision yet again. Gasping, she feels a sting on her hands. Looking down, she sees her hands have dug into a sharp edge.

"Nova, what's happening to you?" Scott whispers as he grabs her hand to take her pain away.

"I'm taking you home and that's final." Derek growls and Nova shakes her head, "Let me stay with Scott, please, Derek."

Derek gives Scott a look to which Scott shakes his head, "No, no, don't give me that look. You're out here changing people left and right."

"Only if they want it."

"Does Isaac even know about everything? The Argents and the hunters?"

"Yes, and he still wanted it." Derek answers as Scott exclaims, "Then he's an idiot!"

"Not as big of an idiot as you, dating Argent's daughter," Derek points out as Scott glances at Nova before gulping.

"Yeah, I know about that. Not too discreet are you?" Derek sneers as Nova looks at Scott in disappointment, "You're still with her?"

"Nova, I meant to tell you, but it had to be a secret."

"Who else knows?" Nova whimpers and Scott pauses, flinching when she repeats the question with more emphasis.


"Of course," Nova smiles briefly before chuckling darkly, "Of course, he knows."

Turning, she throws her hair up in a ponytail as she leaves, "Whatever, guys, I'm out."

"Back to being Nova, I guess." Derek shrugs as Stiles calls in.

"Alright, meet you there."

"So basically, you're saying you had no idea about Allison and Scott?" Lydia asks the darker haired girl as they did their nails. Nova gives her a pointed look, "When someone says they're done with someone, then they're done."

Lydia points at her, "You said you were over Scott like months ago."

Nova grimaces before throwing a sequined pillow at her, "Shut up."

Lydia smirks as she dodges the pillow before she launches herself at the girl. Both of them wrestle and claw at each other before untangling from each other and laying in the ground in exhaustion.

"Nova, I'm scared," Lydia pipes up after a small silence. She continues when she senses her friend turn to her, "I ran into the woods with no sense of what I was doing. I was bit by a... something and now I am something different. What if I'm a monster now?"

Nova grasps her hand and makes Lydia look at her, "Hey, you're not a monster. You're a bitch, yes, but not a monster."

"Thanks," Lydia scoffs but stops as Nova gives her a pointed look, "Lydia. You aren't the only one wandering off with no idea why."

"The sleepwalking is back?" Lydia asks in concern. Nova nods, "I ended up in Isaac's house just a few hours ago."

"You ended up in Jackson's neighborhood and never told me?!" Lydia screeches and Nova rolls her hazel eyes, "Lydia, what does Jackson have to do with anything?"

"He... he.. I don't know! He just does!" She pouts and crosses her arms over her chest as Nova sighs, "Well, I'm gonna go find my brother. So peace."

"It's late!" Lydia yells after her, but Nova was already out the door.

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