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Nothing. Nothing at all, but sand and arid landscape. It was hard to imagine that just in a few hours, they moved from cold, wintery forests to dry, treeless deserts. Nova peels off yet another coat which Edward had forced her to keep on in case she got cold.

"He really wanted you to stay warm." Stiles chuckles and Nova glares at him, "He's just protective."

"Well you aren't a child." Stiles says as he parks a little farther away from the destination. Nova rolls her hazel eyes before hopping down from the Jeep.

"Nova, you are to wait out here. Lydia will give you the signal to come in if need be." Scott instructs and Nova gasps, "I thought I was coming in with Stiles and Lydia as backup."

"We need someone to be a surprise attack. I doubt they'll even think of a Phoenix as back up." Scott says and Nova pauses before grinning and lifting her hand as flames engulf it, her fingers navigating the wispy flames, "Do I get to play with fire?"

Scott gives her a warning look as Stile pipes up, "If they trying to kill us, I say burn their asses!"

Scott rolls his eyes before hugging Nova, "Be safe. Wait for the signal."

Nova nods and as they round the corner, she whisper yells, "Wait, what's the signal?"

Scott points to Lydia who winks and Nova groans, "My ears are gonna break."

Nova looks around at all the antique shops full of souvenirs. As she walks, she runs into a figure.

"Lo siento, señor." Nova says before looking up and gasping. The Mastré smiles down at her in wonder, "Norvina. What brings you to this little place in Mexico?"

Nova stands tall and smirks, "I'm on an important mission. I don't expect you to understand."

"Oh, but you don't know. Little birdie, I know everything. You ever wonder where your parents may be?" The Mastré whispers and Nova growls, "My parents are dead, thanks to you."

"Are they?" Mastré raises his eyebrow to challenge her and she pauses, "You told me so."

"But have you seen their bodies?"

Nova pauses. No she hadn't. She was a child , then.

"I believe your friends would be needing you soon. However, I must leave you with a thought. Don't believe everything that you can't see. And what you can see, don't believe it to be the truth. For the truth is deeper than the surface."

The Mastré walks away with a small smile as Nova freezes. Were her parents alive?

A shrill scream interrupts her thoughts and she jumps before remembering why she was here.

"Shit." She curses before rushing to the doors.

"Ma'am, you can't-"

"Try me, boys," Nova growls by flashing her eyes and lifting her hand. The guards scramble away as she opens the doors. Following the scent of Scott, she follows the hallway and finds a stray guard, "Oh what do we have here?"

The guard rushes to stand, but Nova simply grabs him and drags him behind her. She reaches double doors where she smirks and melts them down. Behind it reveals a shocked Stiles and amused Malia.

"Not here! They're in the other room!" Stiles groans and Nova frowns, "Well, how was I supposed to know? How come you didn't tell me?"

The guard cowers from her stare, apologizing profusely. Stiles shakes his head as Malia shouts, "Nova! Go!"

Nova throws the guard in and takes a deep breath before kicking the other door open. There, she finds Scott strapped down to a chair with the others. A yell is heard behind her and she merely turns to see a man freeze as her eyes meet his.

"Really? From the back?" Nova huffs before looking at the older lady, "I would really appreciate it if you would let my friends go- wait, abuela?"

The older lady looks as shocked as Nova as they study each other. Nova faintly remembers hot chocolate by the fire as her father and grandmother laughed about work. Her grandmother handing her more hot chocolate as the night waned on.

"Norvinita?" The Calaveras leader was surprised. She never thought her granddaughter survived the circus mission. The mission she begged her son not to take. The mission that tore her family apart.

"Wait, what?" Lydia asks and Nova notices her tied up with Scott. Her eyes flash and she quickly pulls the ties apart before turning to her grandma, "I prefer Nova, now."

Her grandmother widens her eyes as Nova smirks, "Now where is my brother? Where is Derek Hale?"

"They don't have him." Scott says as his red eyes shine back into hers.

Nova turns back with a sinister look, "Oh well, then. Let's have some fun, shall we?"

Scott's hand grabs her and he shields her grandmother, "Nova! No!"

Nova freezes and she shakes her head, "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I don't know what came over me."

Lydia hugs Nova and leads her outside as the huntress calls out, "Where are your parents?"

"They died. Mastré killed them." Nova says weakly before moving away with Lydia and Kira.

The huntress stops Scott from leaving and whispers, "Protect her. She's more than you think. That mission was to help her control her powers. To keep her at bay. Otherwise the fire she spits out could hurl back at her."

"In my pack, I encourage my members to accept their fate. To accept who they are. To embrace it, because only then, can they truly control it." Scott says before walking out to catch up with his pack.

"Scott," the Calaveras leader calls out and Scott pauses to listen to her, "You have a good character. However, if anything happens to my granddaughter or if I get a glimpse of you killing a human, I will be the first to kill you."

Scott nods before walking out to find his friends.

"Will you be alright to drive back on your own?" Stiles asks Nova and she nods before looking at the sleeping young Derek on the cold metal sheet. Deaton has been trying to figure out what's going on. Both Scott and Stiles found it best not to confuse Derek with her presence. He already doesn't remember anything of the future.

"I'll be fine. Today Jacob is using Bella's blood to derail the vampires in the fight. I'll be sleeping over at Edward's, too. Don't worry, everything will be fine. You guys worry about Derek. Not about me." Nova smiles through soft tears as she kisses Derek's cheek and brings Stiles into a hug. Her lips leaving a kiss on his ear.

Scott pulls her away to the side to give her a proper hug, "We never even got to go on a proper date."

Nova smirks, "Mmm maybe when Edward decides I'm too human."

Scott rolls his eyes before placing a kiss on Nova's forehead, "Be safe."

"I love you guys." Nova whispers before leaving and getting into her car. She sighs as she thinks about everything that happened today. How had the Mastré found her and why was her abuela the leader of this hunters group?

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